Ever had a team of French business people into your place for a few days of meetings...........
Hill ...
Reminds me of the old cartoon character skunk, "Pepe Le Phew"
Rub a Dub
by TJ - iAmCleared2Land 14 Replies latest jw friends
Ever had a team of French business people into your place for a few days of meetings...........
Hill ...
Reminds me of the old cartoon character skunk, "Pepe Le Phew"
Rub a Dub
We had some execs from the UK this summer at my office. There were 4 of them. 3 of them had a clue about cleanliness and deodorant. The 4th guy not only wore the same suit, tie for days, but he also didn't hear the news about antiperpirant and/or deodorant. We had to open up the windows and turn on a fan to overcome the stench. After about 2 days of that, I had to be the A**hole and tell him that he needs to shower and wear a fresh shirt the next morning. I guess he thought I was kidding, because he was the same the next day.
A few years ago when I worked for a different company, I had a French engineer that followed me around for 2 weeks. It was the middle of August in Georgia, so it was hooooooot! He wore a black turtleneck sweater and a black pair of jeans all week and he smoked these horrible French cigarettes. (jetemes I think they're called). I could not wait for him to get out of my company vehicle every day when I dropped him off at his hotel. Even though it was the middle of the summer and boiling hot, I drove home every night in the rush hour traffic with my windows down because I'd rather inhale the hot exhaust fumes than smell his terrible odor emanating from my passenger seat. Many months and gallons of Febreeze later, I got rid of the smell.
Consequently, whenever I have to go to a hotel, I go to my room, peel all of the sheets and blankets off of the bed and throw them out in the hall. Then I phone room service to put fresh sheets and blankets on my bed. They may think I'm a jackass, but at least I'm not sleeping in somebody else's pile of body fluid and God knows what else. An exterminator friend of mine told me how to spot bed bugs. Remove the sheets and check the seams of the mattresses. They hide there. Also, look behind the headboard and the cracks and drawers of the night stand. If you see bugs or their rusty colored marks on the bedding, get out of there.
Thanks, Dorktacular, for that report. Stereotypes should be shot down at every opportunity.
they are good for a midnight snack if you've had a few beers and are too lazy to go to the fridge.......slurp....crunch
Ahh yet another reason to burn down Bethell