Thanks for doing shows how the "daily text" is part of the daily "mind control"......of course the one for saturday is about case the JW reading it was not going in service today...this could make them feel the guilt.
Daily Text comment's you will never here. Jan 1-7
by 5go 25 Replies latest watchtower bible
I would also point out look how much of the quoted scriptures was left out of it. Wouldn't want people to start thinking the trinity might some how be in the bible in some way.
All Scripture is… beneficial for teaching,… that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work. 2 Tim 3:16,17
2 Timothy 3:16
All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.As in the first century, today Jehovah gives us valuable training through the Christian congregation. The Theocratic Ministry School and Service Meeting are held weekly to help us in the ministry. Do you show your appreciation for these important meetings by regularly attending and by applying the things you learn? (Heb.10:24,25) The tremendous shout of praise that ascends to God each year reflects the deep appreciation that Jehovah’s servants have for the privilege of knowing Jehovah and bearing witness to him. (Isa.43:10) True, the sacrifice of praise that some of our aged, sick, or infirm brothers and sisters offer can be compared to the widow’s mite. But let us not forget that Jehovah and his son truly appreciate all who serve God whole-souled, as they do all that they are able to do.- Luke 21:1-4; Gal. 6:4
Firstly : I would like to start on the scripture notice that is hacked to death, why ? Maybe the setting things strait part bugged them ?Secondly : We don’t really know how the first century Christian congregations worked. Some say the were more like dinner parties than teaching sessions, and there really wasn’t much to teach. Jesus left two simple commandments and it isn’t really hard to teach those. At least it would not of taken two hours of mindless drivel to say back then “Love God and Love Each Other“ though in some languages it might seemed like it. There also wasn’t a commandment to attend those gatherings either, just a suggestion to not stop doing it.
Thirdly : Back to the scriptures I am focusing on the second one this time. I was a man of god I read the bible and I have to say it left me completely incompetent for good works. I learn to jump a car from my father, and in school. I also learned first aid from the guide in the first aid kit I used several times to help my self. Also the internet is supplying me with the info, and way to do this good work. Though now I am not really a Christian, I am a 5goian Gnostic Atheist.
The great day of Jehovah is near. It is near, and there is a hurrying of it very much. Zeph. 1:14
Zephaniah 1:14 “The great day of Jehovah is near. It is near, and there is a hurrying [of it] very much. The sound of the day of Jehovah is bitter. There a mighty man is letting out a cry.
What is “the great day of Jehovah”? Throughout the scriptures the expression ”the great day of Jehovah” refers to special times when Jehovah executed judgment on his enemies and glorified his great name. The unfaithful people of Judah and Jerusalem as well as the oppressive inhabitants of Babylon and Egypt all faced the ‘days of Jehovah’ when they experienced the execution of Jehovah’s judgments. (Isa.2:1,10-12; 13:1-6; Jer.46:7-10)
However, the greatest ”day of Jehovah” still lies ahead. It is the “day” when Jehovah’s judgment will be executed on those who have defamed his name. It will start with the destruction of “Babylon the Great” the world empire of false religion, and culminate in the annihilation of the rest of the wicked system of things at the war of Armageddon.- Rev. 16:14,16;17:5, 15-17; 19:11-21.
Like I said they wrote it for me here it goes.
What is “the great day of Jehovah”? really we don’t have a clue yet either. Throughout the scriptures the expression ”the great day of Jehovah” refers to special times when Jehovah executed judgment on his enemies and glorified his great name. You know the gays, other people that Jehovah once used but they decided that Jehovah didn’t exist or some other god was better than him (a great example was King Solomon), and unfaithful people of Judah and Jerusalem, as well as the oppressive inhabitants of Babylon and Egypt all faced the ‘days of Jehovah’ when they experienced the execution of Jehovah’s judgments. (Isa.2:1,10-12; 13:1-6; Jer.46:7-10)
However, the greatest ”day of Jehovah” still lies ahead. We all know we have been saying this for a century now, but Jehovah’s “day” really does lie just ahead! It is the “day” when Jehovah’s judgment will be executed on those who have defamed his name, like us seeing as Jehovah’s Witnesses are the only ones using it, and we protect pedophiles, and we kill our children through bad medicine in order to not look like fools over the misinterpretation of a single scripture. It will start with the destruction of “Babylon the Great” which by our own definition Jehovah’s Witnesses are apart of too, the world empire of false religion, and culminate in the annihilation of the rest of the wicked system of things at the war of Armageddon and the deaths of 6 billion people including mothers and children but they are Satan’s pawns anyway.- Rev. 16:14,16;17:5, 15-17; 19:11-21.
Now on to commenting in my own words.
The great day of God is near! Man has been saying this for two millennium at least. Though, even if it was coming soon. What is there really to telling people about it, save yourselves people! I mean telling people the world is going to end, and it not ending makes you look rather wacko to say the least. That’s before we delve into your other weird beliefs. So why don’t Jehovah’s people go read their bibles, and clean their own houses instead of passing judgment on others. Lest they look more like wacko hypocrites.
Notice they left out "The sound of the day of Jehovah is bitter" in their quoted scripture.
Next week's will be here.
I though I would bump this for tomorrow.