How much of the bible....

by bite me 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bite me
    bite me

    I think this is the perfect time and chance to see how much of the bible JW's really get through over the year. I'd like for whoever can post the verses that were covered each time. And if possible the length of time spent on that verse. Anyone up for that.. please.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    What are you talking about? A little clarification please...

  • bite me
    bite me

    I guess it would help to be a little more clear. No wonder I wasn't getting any response. lol

    Well, for those still going to their meetings I'm curious to see just how much of the bible is gone through. I guess I am interested in seeing what verses are not going over.

    I know at one time there was a chart for this for a previous year. I am interested in this year since it is the start of a new year.

  • AlmostAtheist

    I can't help put the graph together, but I understand what you're saying. The average JW thinks he reads the entire Bible pretty often, due to the citations of the scriptures in the literature, and the ones he looks up during his prestudy. The point you're making, I think, is that JW's only ever look at a subset of the whole Bible.

    For instance, they read Matthew 24:14 a billion times a week, but they almost never read Jonah 1:6. (Whatever that says)

    And they certainly don't read any of the "stickler" verses that might give a JW pause.

    I do recall someone on JWD doing an analysis of verses cited in the magazines. It was in a spreadsheet, and based on the books of the Bible. Maybe even the chapters, I can't recall now. Anybody remember that?


  • oompa

    I do not have the weekly reader guide, but it about 4-5 chapters a week. They break some entire books down to a verse by book discussion, like right now is being done with the Rev. CLIIMAX book, and has been done with Ezekiel, Daniel, James...etc. Why is this of interest to you? If you want a Bible study, you can request one by sending 10,000 Euros to 666 BethellHell, ny..........oompa

  • bite me
    bite me

    I don't mean for anyone to do a graph, maybe once a month or every couple of weeks type up a list of the verses that were used while at the meetings and what not.

    I kind of remember that, it was a few months ago. I think either I or someone else was asking the same question or similar to it. I know that JW briefly look at a bible verse when refering to it from their studies.

    I'm still trying to find a way to tell my JW friends and family that they are not truly studying the bible but studying the magazines. The last time I tried that they said that to a friend of mine they said it was easiser to study with their magazine. I asked her if she would like to look at another study aid, she said she couldn't, but didn't give a reason.

    To me the watchtower and awakes are stories with a verse and of course the verse will relate to what they want you to believe is true, right?

    I personally prefer study aids because it actually makes you think of the scriptures and makes you think for yourself and relate it to you personaly.

  • AlmostAtheist

    Ah, here it is!

    I can't access the first link (firewall blocking it) and the second link is dead. So I can't tell if the spreadsheet is still available, but the discussion is interesting.


  • bite me
    bite me
    I do not have the weekly reader guide, but it about 4-5 chapters a week. They break some entire books down to a verse by book discussion, like right now is being done with the Rev. CLIIMAX book, and has been done with Ezekiel, Daniel, James...etc. Why is this of interest to you? If you want a Bible study, you can request one by sending 10,000 Euros to 666 BethellHell, ny..........oompa

    lol noo I don't want the bible study from them.

    I'm just interested because some of my friends and family boast about how they study the entire bible bla bla bla. I've gone through the bible too, but actually not only read it, but study on it. I don't just read something and refer to the bible as reference.
    I really think that they don't see how they are being spoon fed information the way the org wants it to be rather then the person picking it up on their own.

  • snowbird
    Jonah 1:6 The captain came to him and said, "What's this? Sleeping! Get up! Pray to your god! Maybe your god will see we're in trouble and rescue us."

    Just out of curiosity I looked in The Message Bible.


  • R.F.
    I'm just interested because some of my friends and family boast about how they study the entire bible bla bla bla.

    The thing with that is, they aren't really "studying" the Bible. Take their scheduled weekly Bible reading for instance; they read the assigned chapters, or skim them rather, then go and read what the Watchtower has to say on those verses and use that as the basis for their comments. That's what they're taught to do, and that's why your average JW doesn't really know the context of what a specific chapter or section is about....that's what i've observed locally at least.

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