How much of the bible....

by bite me 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • snowbird
    That's what they're taught to do, and that's why your average JW doesn't really know the context of what a specific chapter or section is about....that's what i've observed locally at least

    That's exactly it. How many times did I read scan the Book of Acts chapter 9 while a JW? Only after I left and read the entire book did I realize that it was Jesus who was running things instead of the Apostle Paul!!!


  • dogisgod

    I agree with R.F. They study to enforce the WT doctrines and yet they are duped into thinking they are really reading the entire 66 books.

  • jwfacts

    In the link AA refers to the Watchtower CD database was hacked. The results are:

    Mat 24 32,140 times

    Ps 119 21,485 time

    Mat 25 15,919 times

    Luke 21 12,652 times

    Acts 2 10,502 times

    On the Watchtower CD Library, of the 1189 Bible chapters, 5% of all citations come from just five chapters, of which four are about the Last Days. By far the most important cited chapter is Matthew 24, to promote that the Watchtower Society alone holds office as the Faithful and Discreet Slave (v45) in the Last Days (v3) and that we must preach (v14).

  • WTWizard

    It's all an illusion. I can remember that it seemed that they were using about 300 verses most of the time, and the other 35,700 of them rarely if ever came up. The 300 that they used a lot were scattered just enough to make it look like they were going through the whole Bible.

    And, even when they are forced to discuss a whole chapter, they never discuss it in context. I remember them discussing Ephesians chapter 2, and never once applied verses 8 and 9 to mean that our salvation is not contingent on going to the boasting sessions or out in field circus. Besides, when a verse is totally out of harmony with Watchtower teachings, they either replace it with a dash or alter it so it does fit.

  • bite me
    bite me

    Hey JwFacts. When you said it was hacked. Do you think it was a JW or something. And why would they hack information like that? I think we should all post all the true information we can about the org on as many free sites as they can (yes they are probably reading this now. lol yeah, so the JW's you can't find all of them. And you cannot even do anything about it. )

    A side note here, I went to a weekend "get away" once that was the worst 24 hours of my life. The talks did not make any sense to me. Just when they started on something they went onto another. No room for question or discussion. Someone I know goes to every district meetings 8 hours each day!? They say because they want to grasp the entire message. The scary thing I saw was a lot of younger people there, these kids have no idea what they are getting themselves into. I feel like going to one of these (ugh) and posting in the bathroom literature that could possibly save them. They're always pushing theirs out, why not try another method. Chances are they wont read it, but hey if you see something written on the wall when you're in the bathroom, you're probably going to read it. lol

    Not being "allowed" to stay at a hotel that I did not pick was a joke. I know about them making money, so I just drove home. I ate out, even brought the containers back. Boy,did I get some evil looks. . I knew about the you should bring your own lunch, you should stay at a hotel, you should not use the vending machines, you should not worship the true God, you should not blah blah blah.. Isn't anyone in control of themselves anymore?

    On them reading the bible, what I noticed on those days ( I went because I wanted to see what all the hype was about) was that when they did touch on an a verse, that is all they did. By the time people had turned to the page, the guy was already reading the next verse of another chapter. And because of such a large gathering of people there isn't room for questions, unless it is on their terms.

    At my church after each section at least the pastor pauses to see if we have questions or would like for him to go into further detail.

    Does anyone know if the WT website would have the verses discussed at the meetings listed on the site?

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