Are any of our "insiders" scheduled to go to this yet? (don't post specifics that might "out" you)
Upcoming Elders Schooling
by Questions1 53 Replies latest watchtower bible
Welcome Questions 1.
Ah, yes. I remember when I was studying with the witnesses. A very devout young woman who studied with me let me in on the fact that this system had only two more years to go. The year was 1973.
Welcome ?'s 1. Like you i know some people hi up in the WTS. A few month back i was speaking to a very good freind of mine that knows some of the members of the GB. He said with a very serious tone that the word behind closed doors is that the GB all agree that the Great Tribulation will start by no later then 2010. He begged me not to tell no one about this. In my mind i was like, what a bunch of BS. I'll tell you something though, my friend is really close to the GB. I wish you could see his face when he was telling me this. Over the past year you can see the changes that have been happening inside the org, private Watchtower mag, shorter meeting time, big meeting for all the elders comming up, ect.. I feel that whether these guys (GB) believe their own bs or not, they really feel something has to happen in the next few years.
i'm so glad there's elders on this board so we can get the inside scoop.
it's the dangling carrot. just when you thought things were taking too long, it'll be here within four years. didn't that happen in 1971, and so many other times.
that's why its important to study the history of jws and understand this pattern has been ongoing since the 1800's. psychics on montel have better percentage results of predicting the future than wtbts.
LOL! I have had conversations like that...believing it is really going to come...
I recognize that the WTBS has changed. They have gotten some weird relationship with the UN now that may have given them some inside information on the world scene. So they may know something about whats coming upon mankind not because scripture says but because of stronger relationship politically and economically with the "international powers that be". Them knowing "something" may give an excuse to spin toward themselves which is what they have done with all the prophecies of the bible.
Remember 1914. Just because this was the year of WWI doesn't give the WTBS an excuse to dump everything into it and make it a pivotal year for their doctrine.
"the two superpowers "
Only two superpowers? What about China? China has always been left out of the Watchtower's end time prophecies.
Ah, I know why, The Watchtower can't fit China into Nebuchadnezzar's statue! So China doesn't count.
Or, perhaps The Watchtower just doesn't know what it has been talking about all these years? (I think they just make it up as they go along.)
Welcome Q1
the elders are going to be taught "post-Armageddon" teachings.
Exactly why would we need to learn post Armageddon teachings now? The more obscure the rantings of JW's, the more cult like they sound.
The Witness life is a poker game using people and lives for chips. They bet the end is near and the Society is God's channel. I bet my evenings and weekends it was true. My brother bet his education it was true. My first wife bet her cancer treatment it was true.
I personally know people who bet their kid's medical treatment, bet their jobs, their retirement savings, their marriages, relationships with their parents and children, their happiness, health, and standard of living.
In my opinion, that's a high stakes poker game. And Witnesses say they don't gamble. Ha! -
You know, all they say is that the end is near and have absolutely no scenario for how things will play out, except "stay tuned" for the next thrilling organizational change which will send the dubdom into ecstasy in anticipation of some crumb of new light at the next DC, and how missing just one meeting could cost you everything.
"The true spirit of Christianity had departed, and now the ambition of the church was to exalt itself as rapidly as possible by crushing out every spark of liberty and subduing all things to itself. Accordingly, says Gibbon,* "His [Constantine's] ecclesiastical ministers soon contrived to reduce the impartiality of the magistrate, and to awaken the zeal of the proselyte; ...and he extinguished the hope of peace and toleration, from the moment that he assembled three hundred bishops within the walls of the palace." The emperor was there persuaded to declare that those who resisted the judgment of this clerical body in matters of faith should prepare themselves for immediate exile. And their decisions were declared to be of divine authority." VOL 2 SITS P.332