Thank you for this wonderful file. Here's an interesting one from the January 3, 2000 letter announcing a change in the procedure for disassociations:
Some adjustments have been made in the proeedure to follow when notifying the Society of disfellowshippings, disassociations, and reinstatements. Enclosed you will find a supply of revised Notification of Disfellowshipping or Disassociation (S-77) forms. This adjusted form will eliminate use of the Record of Disfellowshipping or Disassociation (S-79a and S-79b) cards. Therefore, please destroy your supply of all
blank S-79a and S-79b cards, as well as blank S-77 forms with a print date prior to 11/99 in the lower left-hand corner. Do not destroy forms that have already been filled out for past cases.Complete instructions for filling out tbe revised S-77 form are located on the form itself. These instructions should carefully be read and followed each time a committee is formedand alsowhen preparing to notify the Society of a case of disfellowshipping or disassociation.
The emphasis in the last sentence is added by me. When I served as an elder (early 2000's) I know we did NOT do this at the beginning of each judicial committee, so it surprised me to learn that the Society clearly indicates that the instructions for filling out a DF form S-77 were to be reviewed WHEN A COMMITTEE IS FORMED as WELL AS when the decision by the committee is to DF the person.
Almost like the assumption is there, going into the JC, that you're going to be DF'd... guilty until proven innocent?