A Theory of Nothingness

by Sad emo 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BurnTheShips

    This sums it up better.


  • Awakened07

    Well - it was a beautiful post nonetheless, Sad Emo.

    We should probably marvel at it all. Better than sleeping on a ready-made Answer.

    But - what would be the alternative to the current universe? -A place where there were not tiny building blocks, but huge ones? Where each arm on our body was made out of a solid, indivisible block of "arm matter", and our head made out of a solid, indivisible block of "head matter"? And Earth one big, indivisible block of "Earth matter"? Well - in a more or less spontaneously Created universe, perhaps that would be more natural than many tiny "blocks" gradually combining into various forms of matter? Who knows.

  • Satanus

    'A place where there were not tiny building blocks, but huge ones?'

    Actually, the material at the core of a black hole has the space removed. It's unbelievably dense and heavy. There may be no movement in that, no interactions. Time may be practically gone, in there.


  • hillary_step
    Actually, the material at the core of a black hole has the space removed. It's unbelievably dense and heavy. There may be no movement in that, no interactions. Time may be practically gone, in there.

    Sounds like an evening with Michael Buble.


  • BurnTheShips
    Actually, the material at the core of a black hole has the space removed. It's unbelievably dense and heavy. There may be no movement in that, no interactions. Time may be practically gone, in there.

    No one knows. No information can escape the event horizon. There may not even be such a thing as "density".

    If it can't be observed-does it exist?


  • Dagney
    Sounds like an evening with Michael Buble.

    (LOL...I thought it was just me!!)

    I apologize for off topic comment.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    Light - we can't see it or touch it; we can't hear it, taste it or smell it. Is it really there?

    Yes, and of course we can see it, or at least some of it. It's the only thing we can see.

    Parts of light appear as different colours - all electomagnetic forces yet still the colour is mere perception, dependent on whether the light rays are absorbed or reflected by the object they fall upon. White may indeed be black and black be white - perceptions!
    No. You are right that the colour depends on the wavelengths of light reflected but this is a physical phenomenon independent of perception. Red light is that light which has a wavelength of around 680nm regardless of whether or how anyone perceives it.
    Atoms - they're nothing but empty spaces filled with electromagnetic forces of protons, electrons and neutrons and yet, when they come together, they form something which appears solid and to have form.
    What do you mean by "solid" and "form" other than the properties collections of atoms have at a macroscopic level?
    And yet - subject that 'solid' to a high temperature - more elecromagnetic waves - and it melts. Subject it to even higher temperatures and it disintegrates. To a higher temperature still - and it vapourises to nothing in an instant.

    I think you mean it vapourises to gas. The first law of thermodynamics is that matter or energy can neither be created or destroyed.

    About colour, yes red wavelength is red wavelength but perception does vary - that was the point I was making.

    "Colour helps to express light, not the physical phenomenon, but the only light that really exists, that in the artist's brain." Henri Matisse, 1945.

    About vapourisation, yes I did mean that - sublimation.

    On the first law - what constitutes energy? The very first moment the universe came into existence defies that law - unless it's not really here of course! Otherwise, where did all the energy and matter come from?

    What if there is nothing to be created or destroyed?

    DNA - It's said that when one strand of DNA - invisible to the human eye - is uncoiled, it is about 69 inches long.

    69 inches of nothing.

    No, 69 inches of molecules. They are not nothing, they have mass and verifiable testable impact on the universe.

    You miss my point here and above about 'solids' - molecules so tiny that they are invisible to the human eye, with large areas of space and held together only by electrical forces. They only have mass because of the gravitational pull of earth's core - more electromagnetic forces. They are merely interacting.

    And this is the building block of life itself. Or is it?

    Yes it is. Beyond the merest whisper of a possibility of a shadow of a doubt.

    The more I look, the more I see that everything, including DNA, is made up of electromagnetic forces and interactions between them, resulting in the 'reality' we see, touch, feel, hear and taste. Our thoughts, our dreams, our imaginings, our emotions - all the result of electrical activity.

    Yes, we are made of the "stuff" that is in the universe. We're made of the same stuff as everything else in the universe because we are wholly a part of it.

    Yesss!!! But what IS the 'stuff'???!!! 'Electromagnetic forces - waves, collisions, magnetism - that's what's holding the 'stuff' together. Not the other way around where solid 'stuff' pre-exists and then becomes animated (whatever that means to various 'forms') by the electromagnetic force.

    There's nothing really here except the reality we perceive - and that is all based on electromagnetic forces.
    No, the reality we perceive is limited by how we have evolved. We can only see a very narrow portion of the electromagnetic spectrum for example, although we now know and are able to measure a much wider range. This is true of all our senses; they are limited but we can go beyond what they tell us. It shouldn't really surprise it that our senses are not adapted to perceive aspects of reality that had no bearing on the survival of our ancestors.

    But our 'perception' is governed by electrical signals sent between the receptors and the brain.

    Methinks science and philosophy don't mix too well!!

    When we die, there will still be nothing really there, except the reality we perceive - who knows what that will be.
    Well, if by die, you mean cease to exist as an entity (and what else could you mean?) it is obvious that there will be no perception, but reality will remain.
    Hence there may be eternal 'life', maybe this is eternal life now - eternal nothingness.
    I don't see how that follows at all. It appears you don't understand something and you use your ignorance to give more weight than deserved to idle and untestable speculations.

    How do we know there will be no perception - what IS perception? Who is to say that the perception will not merely change?

    What constitutes an 'entity'? What is existence?

    I'm not giving weight to anything a all here - I'm questioning and seeking and formulating my own ideas. When the first man believed that humans would one day fly - did it not begin with 'idle and untestable speculation'?

    Mostly you seem to be redefining everything as nothing for no good reason, except perhaps that it fits in with your current philosophy. The only impact this seems to have is that it allows you to redefine "eternal life" as "eternal nothingness" and hence, vice versa. This presumably gives you some hope in an afterlife that you desire but were otherwise lacking.

    Partly correct - I'm redefining my philosophy. What's so unhealthy about that. As for an afterlife, that's neither here or there to me.

    (Sorry about the formatting - I can't get quote boxes to go in the right places at the moment for some reason. Hope my text doesn't rearrange itself when I hit 'post' - another problem unfortunately)

  • blueviceroy

    It has no place , It has no boundary , it has no name . I alone am.

    I AM.


  • R.Crusoe

    Sad Emo it is intersting to contemplate the nothingness in between the somethingness which is a far greater part of the whole.

    It is also intriguing how much of the somethingness that reaches Earth from the sun then inspires the grass to bee green along with all other plant life on land and at sea. Imagine the fraction of EMR actually hitting Earth in comparison to that which misses us for every second in time. Then consider the food chains and evolution of all species which has emanated from those rays of electro magnetism that hit Earth all those years ago and how the atomic structutres have fractalised into electromagnetic thoughts, nervous reactions, physical sensations and emotions, mindfulness about imaginary ideals such as morality, mortality, progress, normalism and all manner of dogma that controls the futures of as yet unborn humans. And all from microscopic bits n bobs that has gaps in between on a scale not unlike parts of the cosmos.

    Well done Sad Emo for contemplating the uncontemplatable. And may the horse on the carousel you are riding catch up with those seating individuals you find desireable. I have struggled with that concept all my life!

  • VoidEater



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