UN involvement announced at Assembly?

by Simon 46 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • thewiz

    Hey I wonder does the Tablet report how many millions of people it murdered to get where it is today.

    Does it report how it got so rich, by taking peoples property by torture into confession in the inquisitions.

    How about their silence about the millions of Jews that were murdered.

    how about all it's roots in paganism?

    how it adopted Christmas as the birth of Christ to "save" a bunch of pagans.

    It changed the sabbath from Firday sun down to Saturday sun down and made it on sunday

    It's idols.

    It's excuses.

    Not eating meat on fridays, so as to line the pockets of there patrons, and the church owned (fishing industry) buisnesses that would sell it so more money could go to the church. It was a financial scam to make the church richer.

    The suspect murder of pope John Paul the 1st.

    The council of Nicea.


    The suppression of the bible to the common people.

    The Trinity.

    You know all this stuff but you just eat their stuff up. What makes them so credible now? They got something on the WTBS.

    The Tablet is a Catholic weekly with a difference. -Yeah the difference is, is that they are just a bunch of lying bastards who don't report on their own hypocrisy.

    you listen to one lying rag and crticize the other.

    You shits. You preach how the WTBS has lied to you and then you pick up this rag, even though you are aware of their conduct.

  • Simon

    So if one group has done something wrong in the past you are never allowed to expose another group doing things wrong now?

  • Lionel_P_Hartley


    I only assume that you had never heard of the Tablet until recently. Your characterization of this journal is absurd - can you imagine the Lords of the Borg in Brooklyn allowing the publication of something like this http://www.thetablet.co.uk/cgi-bin/archive_db.cgi?tablet-00043 in their Wathtower magazine (Brooklyn's Daily Liar)?

    Your calm and mild spirit seems to have deserted you, as has your ability to respond to the actual charges contained in that excellent publication, the Tablet.


  • outnfree

    Thanks for posting that link, Lionel.

    I hope "the whiz" reads it in its entirety.

    Such an article about itself would never, EVER appear in a WTBTS publication! (Although excerpts of The Tablet's article might find its way into the Borg's publications as another example of the wrongs of Christendom!!!)

    You can take some people out of the Borg, but you can't take the Borg out of some people!!!

    Honestly, whiz, What do the Catholic church's past transgressions have to do with the matter at hand? The subject is the Watchtower's harlotry in voluntarily associating with the image of the wild beast and its duplicity in not allowing its publishers to practice [without punishment] what it itself was practicing from 1991/2-2001! What the Catholic church is guilty of does not negate the Watch Tower Society's own crimes against the consciences of its adherents, its disregard for its own doctrine, and its arrogant attitude that the heirarchy is allowed to compromise the faith's tenets at will where a mere publisher would lose faith community and family if s/he were to do the same.


    Par dessus toutes choses, soyez bons. La bonte est ce qui ressemble le plus a Dieu et ce qui desarme le plus les hommes -- Lacordaire

  • thewiz

    I just thought I would remind you all.

    If the Catholic church can throw off any heat from itself, it will. The same things you accuse the WTBS of doing the Catholic church has already done.

    If you talk about one (WTBS), it is only fair to talk the other (Catholic). It's not an open debate if you don't.

    Oh, yeah I forgot, How about the molestation of 1000's of children. When a priest has a problem they ship him somewhere else. If they have too big of a problem they send them to a special councilling center in New/Mexico. That was on a news series 20/20 I think. It exposed the church. But all you people are only concerned about what happens in the WTBS. What about the victims? There are more than just the ones in the WTBS.

    Remember those laws of exposing and turning over molestors were in part created as a result of memebers of the CATHOLIC church.

    If your concern was for people then it would not be continuously be centric to the WTBS. Granted this is for JW and WTBS bashing. And please, if I say something is wrong and you call it bashing, then by the same token when you say the WTBS is wrong, it's bashing too. Lets just call it what it is, OK?

    You pick on the WTBS for the same things. I'm just keeping the playing field level, that's all.

    You call the Tablet an excellent publication. And yet many here call the WT & A! garbage. Not worth ANY merit.

    One person even suggested, that since the pope basically made a formal apology for the millions of Jews that died some how the church is less culpable.

    It's not just the tablet. It's just about any printed media.

    I toured the Newseum down here in VA soon to be in D.C. I came out of there in disbelief. How easily the news media manipulates people's outlook of the world. I got the impression that they were the same as the National Enquirer, only with a fancier name and a little higher level of reporting.

    You understand how people tend to anthropomorphize everything. Well Americans tend to Americanize everything. We/They see everything form thier own perspective, and that's not truth.

    Same way on these forums, we filter/compare just about anything we say against the WTBS, and forget everything else.

    Like I said, your attacks or bashing is virtually (98%) against one entity, the WTBS. You could care less about other entities, that do the same thing.

    These forums are for freedom of speech, as long as it is AGAINST the WTBS. This place is nearly the same as the WTBS, you're just wearing different suits. Outside comments are not really welcome.

    Oh, yeah, lets not forget about the Anglican church and the Episcapal church. Jus' keepin' it real BOooooy

  • Yerusalyim
    Damage control...the WBTS is good at it.

    That's because they've had so much practice at it.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • ianao


    You are in desperate need of another forum as you present nothing but negativity to all those present who are healing from their previous bad religious experience.


    Like I said, your attacks or bashing is virtually (98%) against one entity, the WTBS. You could care less about other entities, that do the same thing.

    According to that one entity, they are THE entity represented by God, constantly fueling that idea into it's adherent's heads. What can you really expect from folks who have been through such psychological trauma? OF COURSE they are going to exclusively BASH the "society" as a unit just as they were taught to exclusively BASH everyone else as a unit.

  • Satanus


    Everything the wt is doing the cath church has already done. True, but in its present form it has mellowed a lot. It is a much kinder version than the wt. It is involved in many social/humanitarian efforts all over the world. If you are a reader of spirituality/theology, some of theirs is pretty good. The wt doesn't know the meaning of spirituality.

    This forum is mainly about xjws gatting themselves back together. Not every religion can be covered. I know that all orgs have corruption and abuses. If you check around the net, i'm sure you would find gripe pages for those as well.

    I think the reason for pages such as this is the extreme treatment xjws recieve from their former 'freinds'. This rejection creates tremendous tension, sometimes aggression. It needs an outlet. Most other religions don't use this extreme rejection method, and so animosity levels of xmembers are lower.

    By the way, you said you were studying greek and hebrew, do you still believe in the bible as gods word? Are you churchly?


  • sf

    Good morning BE and Lonewolf,

    I just got through pasting the entire letter up in yahoo. "Oh man", is all I can say. They are stunned. I mean most of them have been aware of all this because of myself and a few others relentlessly pasting up all that kept coming down the pike re: U.N./WTBTS "affliations". Yet, this letter is indeed straight to the heart(core) of the matter. Thanks.


  • hawkaw
    You understand how people tend to anthropomorphize everything. Well Americans tend to Americanize everything. We/They see everything form thier own perspective, and that's not truth.

    That is a strawman. Not all people are like that and you know it. For someone who was just slaming the press, you just did exactly what the a lot of the lame street press does all the time. Shame on you.

    Your whole post was a strawman and left out some huge facts.

    I am not a big fan of the Catholic church by any stretch but, and a big but, the Church admitted their wrongs and has paid a dear price for it. Once the ped issue was exposed, they now have set up a major policy on how to handle the issue. Something the WTS has failed to do and is the reason why a lot on people in pain on this board are upset.

    Oh, yeah I forgot, How about the molestation of 1000's of children. When a priest has a problem they ship him somewhere else. If they have too big of a problem they send them to a special councilling center in New/Mexico. That was on a news series 20/20 I think. It exposed the church. But all you people are only concerned about what happens in the WTBS. What about the victims? There are more than just the ones in the WTBS. (bold emphisis mine)

    You have no idea how big of a strawman this was. In Canada, the Anglican and Catholic church school issue has been 2 to 3 times worse especially with the native children. And because of people's (like me) outrage the Churches and the Federal government (who was also responsible) has paid dearly, come close to going bankrupted and set proper policies in place to clean up the mess. Also keep in mind it is not only in the churches. The big brothers organization and other like it have run into similar problems. They had to go through growing pains and coming to face the facts thta they didn't have a proper hiring, training and verification policy in place. I was very concerned about it too and expressed my outrage like many others did.

    So as you can see there is one person on this board who was concerned about that specific issue and some really good organziations who have also been through this mess.

    Quite frankly your response suggests you want to change the subject of the Bates article. Instead of looking at the facts in the article and what it means you have decided to slam the paper and of course this forum that is set up specifically to deal with JW issues.

    This reminds me of yesterday when I read a post of yours explaining that you had read the entire UN charter and that the WTS would support the charter. Hmmmmm.... I thought .... seems you didn't want to tell your audience about articles 39 to 51 in the Charter. So I explained them to you.

    You want to hack somebody up - great do it - but please don't strawman.


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