we were "there"
because we had the means, we were able to offer housing to 1) an elderly couple who had 28 days to move from their apt ( they spent a total of 4 months), 2) a young couple who came as bro elder (MTS assignment) and sis pioneer to assist the congro ... 3 months, 3) other widowed bro elder from MTS assignment..... 2 months.... 4) random bro/sis who had a devastating auto accident near here who spent nearly 5 weeks in our accomodations....... as well as a being a refuge from domestic abuse for a young sis and her 3 children from alcohlic non dub spouse ..... at least 3 occasions there and once for 6 weeks in our house as the accomodation was being utilised ( my fam of 6 plus her fam of four, our 3 dogs, her 3 dogs and EVERYONE got the flu!... total 3rd world experience!) .... no one paid one thin dime..... or even made the offer!!! which we would have refused.....
lots of other cases of being "there" for many many others.( actually mid-wiving for 2 sisters, financial help, like 4 new tires for PO ( see #3 above), paying overdue bills for "friends", hiring their businesses for work to be done......yada yada yada.... and yet, one refusal of a shepherding call ( you know the one..... read some piece of literature and pray) and we were dropped like a nasty habit!!!!
now, if there is an encounter... it is " why havent you been to mtgs?", not "so nice to see you!"
their house is abandoned to them ( guess we will be housing someone eventually)