by V 23 Replies latest watchtower bible
That was a really good read, Sir Nose. Thanks for all the effort.
Yes the beatings will continue until the morale and the output both improve around here!
You asked about the 4 H's -- I remember a circuit overseer said that the householder has to be hungry, humble, honest and HOME. I don't know if anyone else has a different version of the 4 H's that circulated around in wacky watchtower world. (I'm not sure if they need to be "happy", because happy people don't really need the false hope offered by the J-dubs.)
Excellent job, Sir Nose.
Gopher, I remember the 4H's being the same as you stated.
Sir Nose..Good job..You had me laughing..............
You did such an excellent job covering this article, my blood pressure must be up by 20 points and I had to quit reading after this quote:
You can find deserving ones by listening carefully to one person after another, taking note of the attitude of each individual.
Now we all know the JW's are masters of judging who are deserving and taking note of the attitude of the individual......This pisses me off to no end. It just reinforces the old attitude, ......well that goat will die at armageddon, too bad for them!
Lets not forget this same thinking is applied inside the ranks.
You asked about the 4 H's -- I remember a circuit overseer said that the householder has to be hungry, humble, honest and HOME.
And HOME! There we go.
Gopher, snowbird, outlaw, restrangled, thank you all for reading.
And thanks for adding a few quotes, V. That's the one thing I wished I had put more effort into...but there's always next time.
You know, I’m starting to get a feel for what’s wrong here. All these suggestions fall under Conversation 101. Everyone should know this. You don’t have to quote Jesus to show that asking questions of the other person is a good way to keep the conversation going. But aye, there’s the rub: because they lack genuine social interaction, the Governing Body’s got to go remedial on the dubs.
Wow! This is inspired writing here.
Wow! This is inspired writing here.
Well shucks....Shakespeare can take credit for the last line in that paragraph.
It just seemed so very obvious. People who are sociable or who sell things for a living should know these principles well--hell, even people who work in customer service should know, by experience, how to interact with people.
But basic human interaction is not a well developed skill for the dubs, due to the stupid rules. You make friends at work, get invited over to nice peoples' houses, and then what? You have to turn them down. "Oh sorry....I can't go..." you'll have to say. And then when they ask why, you have to give a lame excuse, or the REAL reason which makes you look like a weirdo. And then suddenly you've got bad things being said behind your back because you won't be sociable for people, which ultimately is GREAT because who needs those bird-food friends anyway?? It's a destructive circle.
Otherwise, why would they have to remind the dubs to "keep thinking of the person as a potential brother/sister?" Because you have ingrained this stupid superiority complex in them.
It's simple stuff, but it's sorely needed.
Thankfully most younger dubs don't have that hangup, but their parents and grandparents do.
Very good.The title should be "Sucker Maker."That was a very good multi level marketing story.Yes do more for the printing corporation.Notice now they use door to door sale tactics.Just like those sneaky scum scammers(swindlers) even getting childred to do their dirty work(child slave labour).
Paragraph 8 about asking for people's opinions is interesting and sneaky! In that paragraph, the JW's are being told to express a sincere concern in people's opinions.
But really we were trained to briefly and politely listen to their opinion, feigning reasonableness while waiting to say what we were going to say anyway.
In the earlier times when JW's were more studious, they actually listened to opinions and argued with the householder about whose view of the Bible was right. I saw it a number of times when I was a child, and it was quite entertaining. This style didn't lead to many conversions, however. (Does anyone remember the 6-minute Bible sermon?)