Thank You

by llbh 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • llbh

    Thank you to all the lovely people on JWD

    I have only been here for a few months but in that short time i have received a lot help and encouragement here

    As some of you know I have had a few problems of a personal nature. With the help of two people who post here and one who does not the major problem i had has for the most part been resolved. These people know who are they are and have been true friends, if they let me know i will identify them happily

    I did not come here initially to have my personal issues resolved, i was resigned to the fact that they would not be.- i came out of curiosity.

    Aside from these two people the real warmth, fun and encouragement that i have had from many of you and just being here has made a huge difference..

    Even though i would not normally be so public about such things i really feel a debt of gratitude to you all and the three people in particular

    Thank you llbh


  • Dansk

    Hi David,

    It's very cathartic here isn't it!

    We're all glad you're here. Hope to meet you at the Apostafest in Edinburgh!



    You are a good guy David. I'm glad you got the help you needed to resolve your issues. You are right, the posters here are genuinely lovely people. I don't know where I'd be without them.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    I'm glad things are working out for you llbh!


  • Abandoned

    Well, I wasn't one of the people you are talking about specifically, but I'm glad that things are going well for you.

  • llbh

    Ian Cheers mate see you soon.

    Awake & Watching Thanks you are lovely lady

    Bumble Bee One of life's angels.

    Abandoned. You are a lovely guy to and i wish you well

  • changeling



  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear llbh,

    I'm glad to be back online after some exceedingly abrupt and tempestuous weather.

    Please stay on board to receive help and to give it. Now that I've weathered most of my personal storms, I feel ready to give to the "community" - JWD!

    All the best,


  • llbh

    Changeling A very lovely lady and fellow enfj I love Jewel great artist thanks!!!

    Coco. Love you lots my friend


  • restrangled



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