R . Thanks
For everyone i have just spoken to Bumble Bee and she does not mind saying that she was one of the three lovely people who helped me. One of lifes angels!!!
by llbh 22 Replies latest jw friends
R . Thanks
For everyone i have just spoken to Bumble Bee and she does not mind saying that she was one of the three lovely people who helped me. One of lifes angels!!!
You're a good man David! This is a great community and I'm glad you are a part of it.
What a lovely thread, David.
I'm always happy to contribute my widow's mite.
Thank you for being so upbeat and encouraging.
We all need encouragement from time to time, and someone to tell us "YOU CAN DO IT!"
Is this forum for JW's or not? I am confused.
Hi Bobbiejean25
This is not a site for JW .s per se most people here have left. Read the threads here an see want you think
Welcome Bobbiejean25. This is a free and open forum to discuss anything you need to discuss.
BOBBIEJEAN 25- Welcome to the board, you will get the support and help you need from very nice, caring people on this board ! Welcome, and LLBH, you are cool too ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
((((((((((llbh)))))))))), sorry you were having a rough time of late, and glad things are getting better for you.
Hey Tara
Thanks i have been very fortunate in that my friends have really kind helpful.
Now most things resolved .
regards David