Do You Use Floride?

by sammielee24 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • freydo

    This whole subject is Orwellian. Maybe wt you'll get lucky and run over by a semi before the rat poison gives you brain cancer. That fluoride is a waste product that kills roaches and rats can somehow be good for your teeth is insane, unless you figure the 20,000% profit markup. I was at a dental seminar the other day, and they couldn't stop talking about fluoride. They didn't mention that it's also the active ingredient in Prozac and rat poison. It's a wonder drug - kills rats and roaches, prevents cavities and sedates mentally unstable people. Never mind the skyrocketing side effects of things like diabetes and alzheimers. Toxic means that it's poison. And that's why it says on tooth paste tubes containing fluoride to contact poison control if swallowed. I bought a water purifier at Walmart a few months ago. It talked about how wonderful it worked at removing things like heavy metals and chlorine and also how it allowed the benefits of fluoride to remain. And does anybody know how many people are on Prozac? The Surgeon General is looking out for you.

    BIG Government + BIG Business = FASCISM

    (and now there's a radical/leftist/Muslim/alien who's Commander and Chief of the whole she-bang)

  • JWoods

    Didn't the crazy General in the movie Dr. Strangelove go way off about the subject of water fluoridation?

  • leavingwt
    You needn't feel such scorn for others who make a different choice.

    As I've stated elsewhere, I personally avoid aspartame, because it aggravates my GERD. So, in a very personal way, I'm familiar with how each of us can discover that certain things affect differently than the way they affect others. I wouldn't want anyone to look at me scornfully because I've proved to myself that aspartame hurts me. I don't feel scorn for people who avoid certain things. These folks are exercising their freedom.

    Now that they've determined there was no pandemic and it was a sell job

    What does it mean that swine flu was a "sell job"?

  • Finally-Free

    I'm not qualified to debate the good or bad effects of flouride or any other substance. However, I resent having any substance forced upon me without my consent.


  • sammielee24

    What does it mean that swine flu was a "sell job"?


    Hearings have taken place about the pandemic scare that resulted in millions of people (some of whom died or were left disabled) being pressured into buying and consuming the swine flu vaccine. Was it a false flag to make huge profits from untested vaccine? Who held stock or was intimately involved in the industry and company making the vaccine? Did anyone have anything to gain? Was the culture of fear purposely fostered to get people to 'buy into' the vaccine? Remember - countries bought millions of dollars of the stuff with dollars they need not have spent. There are now many reports citing mandatory vaccine for populations against the swine flu. sammieswife.


    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Monday recommended that the H1N1 (swine flu) strain be added to next year's seasonalflu vaccine, "putting an end to separate shots deployed against the pandemic,"Bloomberg reports. The FDA committee voted unanimously to make the H1N1 strain one of the three strains included in the shot, according to the news service. "The panel's recommendations are routinely adopted and used to guide vaccine manufacturers," Bloomberg writes (Randall, 2/22).

    "The FDA panel recommendation follows asimilar recommendation made last week by the World Health Organization for the Northern Hemisphere. Each year, the FDA must sign off on any strain changes and approve influenza vaccine made by various companies for the coming influenza season," the Wall Street Journal reports (Corbett Dooren, 2/22).


    Swine Flu Pandemic and Vaccines Under Investigation

    Date: 18/02/10 The World Health Organisation (WHO) will have to explain what scientific evidence they used, justifying their change of definition of what a pandemic is, in May 2009. The European Council also wants to know precisely what influence the pharmaceutical industry had in the decision-making. Since governments have sealed contracts with vaccine producers, securing orders in advance, (like with Tamiflu during the Bird Flu scare) producers of vaccines were sure of enormous gains without having any financial risks. Ever heard of Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg? Well, remember his name because this ‘white coat’ is on our side.

    Dr. Wodarg is head of health at the Council of Europe and he’s the man behind initiating an investigation into the role of pharmaceutical companies in the ‘pandemic emergency’ surrounding the Swine Flu pandemic.

    In short, The Council of Europe (covering 47 European countries) will be asking simple straight forward questions:

    Firstly, the World Health Organisation (WHO) will have to explain what scientific evidence they used, justifying their change of definition of what a pandemic is, in May 2009. (The truth is they didn’t, they simply asked a hundred-odd scientists their opinion and based on that they changed their definition... I kid you not!).

    Secondly, the European Council wants to know precisely what influence the pharmaceutical industry had in the decision-making. Since governments have sealed contracts with vaccine producers, securing orders in advance, (like with Tamiflu during the Bird Flu scare) producers of vaccines were sure of enormous gains without having any financial risks.

    ..snipped...About the investigation Dr. Wodarg said: “We have had a mild flu - and a false pandemic.. A group of people in the WHO is associated very closely with the pharmaceutical industry... In order to promote their patented drugs and vaccines against flu, pharmaceutical companies have influenced scientists and official agencies, responsible for public health standards, to alarm governments worldwide... </form>
    "The vaccines were developed too quickly. Some ingredients were insufficiently tested."

    “But there is worse to come. The vaccine developed by Novartis was produced in a bioreactor from cancerous cells, a technique that had never been used until now.

    “This was not necessary. It has also led to a considerable mismanagement of public money.”

    Dr. Wodarg goes on to say: "The time has come at last for us to make demands on governments. The purpose of the inquiry is to prevent more false alarms of this type in the future."

    "We must make sure people can rely on the analysis and the expertise of national and international public institutions. The latter are now discredited, because millions of people have been vaccinated with products with inherent possible health risks."
  • leavingwt
    Hearings have taken place about the pandemic scare that resulted in millions of people (some of whom died or were left disabled) being pressured into buying and consuming the swine flu vaccine. Was it a false flag to make huge profits from untested vaccine? Who held stock or was intimately involved in the industry and company making the vaccine? Did anyone have anything to gain? Was the culture of fear purposely fostered to get people to 'buy into' the vaccine? Remember - countries bought millions of dollars of the stuff with dollars they need not have spent. There are now many reports citing mandatory vaccine for populations against the swine flu. sammieswife.

    I had something to gain. I work at a medical facility and I didn't want to get the swine flu. It was that simple, for me. I've taken dozens of vaccines, so I particularly afraid of this one, as the others had worked.

    We can either accept that the health organizations wanted to save lives with the vaccine or we can assume that a conspiracy was going on. Right?

  • freydo

    So why are they putting rat poison in the water?

  • freydo

    "A Conspiracy?" Oh please. And with Big Business in collusion with the Federal Government?

  • sammielee24

    Like I say - you need to do what you need to do for yourself. I have no problem with that. My extended family use fluoride products it's their choice. I don't - my choice. I cannot however avoid the poison entirely because it is being put in all of the water and cumulatively the effect is toxic on people. You shower in it, you drink it, you swallow it, you ingest it in food made with the same water, you go to the dentist and they use it directly on your teeth in treatments, it's in toothpaste - you can't know how much is bad for you but we have to rely on data from all sources in relation to disease and health. With the rise in dementia, parkinsons, alzheimers, obesity, ADD, ADHD, autism - things uncommon many years ago, we need to examine all sources of differences and toxins. This is just one - but we aren't even given the choice of avoiding it and that is the issue. sammieswife.

  • leavingwt
    "A Conspiracy?" Oh please. And with Big Business in collusion with the Federal Government?

    What are the other possibilities? If the vaccine doesn't work, or worse, it purposely kills people, how would this not be a conspiracy?

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