When you see the word or hear it----what do you think of???
What's Your First Thought To The Name/Word "Jehovah"?
by minimus 35 Replies latest jw friends
Unhappiness. Slavery. Pain. Regret.
For me, it is intrigue.
The God my parents think they worship (when really it's the WT Society that runs their life).
I think of the organization called Watchtower. I don't think of God.
I think of the mental slavery they have their people in.
After that, I think of how that name was NEVER in the New Testament.
A 14th century Catholic invention......Without the Catholics.....Jehovah`s Witness`s would`nt have a name for their religion,or their God.......................
Yup, Jehovah's Witnesses are indebted to the Catholics for their use of "Jehovah".
White Dove
What first comes to mind is a kingdom hall scene full of WT carrying salt and pepper greased haired men in suits and glasses and middle aged women in glasses and floral print dresses and curly helmet hairdos. And, it's always on a Sunday. I always had a hard time imagining anyone at the hall with outside lives or in street clothes.
I do still think of "God".