Odrade, great post. I love listening to someone with a way with words. You have it!
doesn't mean he won't seriously consider the things that have been said to him.The seeds have been planted.I know there were times when the friends would mention something to me about another elder or some belief and while I tried to explain it I also acted like perhaps it didn't bother me that much.Later, however, sometimes much later, it came back to me and I gave the matter serious thought.The cumulative effect of all these "plantings" can grow to a serious situation that provides ample motive for personal contemplation and subsequent action.In my case it led to leaving the org.
As Breaking Away said above, I believe that seeds are planted each time we hear something unfamiliar. We begin thinking. It is not hearing the same thing over and over and just accepting it. As
Watkins said: " The right seed planted at the right time."
I think this is what brought all of us out of the WT. I remember things that people said at the door, that I tried to refute, but got me to thinking. If we can break through with questions or thought-provoking statements then they will have to think.
Thank you for this interesting post.
Love and hugs,