OK Jgnat, you call me irrational while breaking all the rules of logic... first off your argument is a classic "straw man", you made up silly things no one believes and then attribute them to an imaginary me, since I don't believe in any of the things you mentioned, I can't imagine why you'd bring those subjects up as if they're something I believe.
Your argument is also a "false alternative fallacy", comparing unlike things... I have evidence, which I've mentioned; to remind you "paitently" as you say it, I have friends that were at Bethel who have mentioned some of the GB were gay, I've seen where the GB covers things up and lies... Not too far a strech to think that this story may have some validity. the crazy things you were comparing my argument to have no evidence to support them... I have evidence, from books I've read, and from people who've been there that there were at least two GB members that were gay... YOu caompared two unlike things and then attributed your imaginary argument to me....Now, who's illogical?
Lastly, I agree with much of what all of you've said, perticualry Hillery Step, but, I fail to see the anger directed at anyone that makes the completely logical conclusion that a story such as this could be true... and even privately believes it. I do believe it, but I'll take Hillary's advice and not use it as fodder. But comparing wacked out dogmas to something I think has ample evidence enough for me to believe is ludicrious. Simple fact is, I know that there's some truth to the fact that there were GB members who were gay, and even removed from Bethel for this action... why didn't you know about it? Becasue they covered it up that's freaking why? And you find it hard to beleive that this young man's death was covered up so an GB member wouldn't be exposed... good, believe what you want...but before you talk to someone like they're a child, better make sure you don't committ any logical fallacies first.
ANy ex-Bethelites want to chime in on the alleged gayness of Chitty and Greenlees, and why it was covered up?