My questions to you Gregor, are these. Do you feel that you are being used? Is Jesus actually paying his way, or just taking advantage of your good heartedness? Is having him there interfering with your life and relationships? Do you find yourself not living life to the fullest, because you are concerned about Jesus? Do you and your wife modify your natural behavior, because you don't want to disturb Jesus? If so, you may want to think about telling Jesus to find another host.
Jesus as a house guest.
by Gregor 22 Replies latest jw friends
I found the Lord! He's in the trunk of my car.
No, seriously Gregor, are you sure it's Jesus or is it Jesús? Because I've had a Jesús in my house. He was my gardener, until his cousins came to my house one night and stole my bike.
You gotta watch out for those fake Jesuses.
Oh oh. You might try watching the old Jimmy Stewart movie "Harvey".
lmao - snort
One night someone broke into the house and when I went to investigate the noise the intruder jumped me and beat me like a rented mule.
Just awhile ago I tapped on his door
There's your problem. You gotta knock for the door to be opened.
Gregor, you don't happen to live in kalamazoo do you?? I heard that Elvis has been seen hanging out with some long haired hippy type.
Bksbks, I would not ask for a dime. He has been a real comfort. Besides, since he came into my life I have not seen any change in my utility bills, not a nickel! As far as modifying our behaviour because of his presence (parosia) we are just our normal selves except I have asked my wife to keep it down during some private moments. (There have been times I felt he might be watching us do the horizontal mambo and it has pretty much spoiled the moment. But, being a virgin, I'm sure he is probably curious about that stuff).
Mastodon, No it's not a Hey-soose. If it was I'd expect my yard to look better than it does.
I was just wondering where He kept all his spent bodily fluids? Is there a porta potty that is in the room in dire need of some routine maintenance?
If he's in your spare room, who the hell is in mine??