Get out of her "My People"

by JH 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • eclipse
    Truth be said, sin will get any one incuding you in trouble by watching and listening to 'men' and not what God has to say, because, just like you, 'men' are sinners.

    And what does the organization that claims to be the true religion and guided by holy spirit have anything to do with me being a sinner?

    I don't follow men, and I resent your implication that I do.

    I detest all organized religion, and would never join one ever again even if you held a gun to my freaking head.

    I apologize for not making my stand known to you before.

    thus cooling your spiritual conscience and speaking bad about brothers and elders.

    Where did I even mention anything about brothers or elders?

    My normal human conscience told me a long time ago that this religion was all about worshiping men, not god.

    I was referring to the ENTIRE organization that claims to have the truth. They made the claim, not me.

    Therefore, the burden is on them to prove that they have god's holy spirit and backing,

    and they have shown by their rotten fruits that this is not the case, nor will it ever be.

  • R.Crusoe

    This always reminds me of the Catholic advise to use the withdrawal method.

    'Get out of her my people!'

    And I think it was Billy Conolley who understood all men when he said in typically Scottish prose,

    'At the point of ejaculation - there isn't a herd of wild horses could make me go in the other direction!'

  • logic

    Years ago I took the advise from someone on the internet to imagine that the book of revelation was written before 70 a.d. before the destruction of jerusalem. That babylon the great was in fact jerusalem, and the people who were told to get out of her were the christians, who actually did get out of the city. I have read it carefully several times this way. He said it would make alot more sense to you if this book of revelation was mostly fulfilled. Of course this is called preterism which I favor mostly. There are parts of rev. in the last 2 chapters that I have questions about which actually makes me in favor of semi-preterism.

    The trouble with modern religion is that the want rev. to be in the future, which they have been doing for 2,000 years. My question finally became which made more sense, something that has already happened and fits the description perfectly, or something that may happen that vaguely fits the description.

    Of course this is just my own opinion . I have always had an open mind and have read enormous amounts of information on the subject. There are so many interesting ideas who babylon the great is and most of them are not only silly but have been proving wrong over and over. I place the jws in the same category.

  • Finally-Free
    The key subject here, eclipse, is that you have to follow God and not 'man' because 'men' will fall into sin, but Jehovah is perfect in every way.

    I'd like to see proof of that. The bible gives plenty of evidence to the contrary. A thousand Adolph Hitlers couldn't match the brutality of the Old Testament.

    When I go to meetings I listen and share and compare and study like everybody should,

    Study like everyone should or as the watchtower cult dictates? I don't need books written by men or religious organizations who have proven themselves incapable of living up to my standards of conduct. My own conscience is enough for me.


  • R.Crusoe

    Of course one has to first accept that a book compiled over centuries through different societies and traditions and cultures and personas of God is inerrant even after 2000 further years of human manipulation and Christianity being utilised to govern political empires and Gods preference over all other geographical locations of far greater land area and beauty!

    It is far fetched in the extreme to be so presumptuous and haughty as to imagine the scriptures from such a plethora of moral flip flopping and switching of goalposts to be from a divine source and then beat up all of humanity with its bullying.

  • Aleman

    I don't only search in WTs books. I also research in libraries and online and many other information media that gets me the truth to the subject. I trust anyone who makes sence of things. I don't trust in my own judgment of things like perhaps eclipse does and I don't blasfeme like Finally-free (in his dreams). I feed my brain with ideas of holy and non-holy thoughts and filter them with love, faith, and consience of the truth.


  • Finally-Free
    I don't only search in WTs books. I also research in libraries and online and many other information media that gets me the truth to the subject. I trust anyone who makes sence of things. I don't trust in my own judgment of things like perhaps eclipse does and I don't blasfeme like Finally-free (in his dreams). I feed my brain with ideas of holy and non-holy thoughts and filter them with love, faith, and consience of the truth.

    You accuse me of blaspheming, yet you can't even spell the word. Is that the result of all your research and study?

    In typical cultist fashion, you evade questions and statements by spewing irrelevant crap. I suppose it's easier than addressing the issue of God's brutality in the Old Testament.

    If a human were as brutal as God in the Old Testament he'd be labeled a monster. When someone invisible does it people fall down and worship him.


  • Satanus


    Don't be too hard on aleman. Afterall, he graduated at the top of his kindergarten class. His mind is pure virgin soil. You could damage him for the rest of his life.


  • Aleman

    Finally-free, your logic lacks definition. Have you read the book of Enoch? Man fears and follows whoever shows power and a form of security. Angels did just that and they were all praised to and worshiped like the gods they were. Even now, people flock to the nearest form of power or form of security like the imigrants did when they came to the US of A. Other examples are the police departments, the courts, the military in rural war areas, and there are thousands of other examples. Don't you think that God is not allowed to show a little power to the world by protecting his faithful? Mabey you think that he should just allow the faithful to get trampled on.


  • erynw
    Don't you think that God is not allowed to show a little power to the world by protecting his faithful?

    You be sure and let me know when this happens, ya hear.

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