Get out of her "My People"

by JH 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • eclipse
    Don't you think that God is not allowed to show a little power to the world by protecting his faithful?

    Since when has god shown ANY power to protect anyone, even faithful ones?

    I have read the book of only convinced me without a doubt that the God of the Bible is a Tyrant of epic proportions.

  • Finally-Free

    I haven't read the book of Enoch yet, which isn't considered part of the bible canon by most churches. I'll probably read it sooner or later, just because I'm a sucker for punishment.

    I find this humorous more than anything, but it makes some valid points regarding cruelty in the bible:


  • Must obey!
    Must obey!

    This always reminds me of the Catholic advise to use the withdrawal method.

    'Get out of her my people!'

    LOL at r crusoe u grubby guy

  • VoidEater

    When I go to meetings I listen and share and compare and study like everybody should, I don't go by what 'men' say, I go by what I research in the libraries and online at information as I get educated as much as I can about the topic.

    I suspect that in those libraries and online informatin sources that you may actually be reading things written by [gasp] men! Other men, for sure, but still men.

    What you seem to be saying, Aleman, is that you read up on a subject and then rely on your own interpretation, conscience and inspiration to come to a conclusion.

    That sounds a lot like what, well, everyone here does.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    I think the call references the release of the Jews by Cyrus, in which God's people had been kept captive at Babylon, and He now made the call "come out of Babylon, my people".

    God did not say "come out of Babylon and become my people". The names of God's people are written in heaven in the book of Life, not in the membership rolls of churches on earth.


  • tula

    2 Thessolonians 2:10-12

    10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

    11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

    12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

    The LIE is WTS and all of the other religions as well. ALL religion is false.

    Jesus is the mediator between God and man, not the WTS, nor the FDS, nor any other entity.

    Mans spiritual passion for the truth is his connection with God.

    *of interest* look up Babalon (with this spelling)

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