Shunned? Df'd? It's BOOGAH BOOGAH Time!

by metatron 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • zanex

    what do you do if you work with em? Its funny to watch as their eyes suddenly avert each time i walk by...hmmm maybe a well placed mooning might do them some good...


  • Mastodon

    LOL! I can just see myself running up to ramdom JWs, scream BOOGAH BOOGAH! and then walking away as if nothing happened.

    I can even open the door, let them talk to me about good ol' Jehoovah and then just interrupting them saying; "Guess what! I'm an Apostate! Boogah boogah!!!!!" and then close the door. Or I could even follow them down the driveway, walking like Frankenstein telling them that Satan was guiding to convert them...

    I seriously need a video camera...

  • dawg

    I once saw an elder that was an asshole in the supermarket... he averted his eyes when he saw me, and all of you that know me know that pig won't fly.... So, I rather loudly came up to him and started talking to him; he wouldn't talk, I followed his ass all the way outside the supermarket and was praying for him to do something physical so I could slap the sh** out of him... It wasn't so much his JWishness, it was more that he was an asshole... and since I was no longer associated, I had nothing to lose...

    THis happened in my home town, a town where everyone kinda knows me, the "worldy" ones in the market were laughing their asses off at my shanaingans, and so was I... oh, just to have him take a swing at me... he'd done some pretty cruel things to me att he hall and I was itching to make amends.

  • dinah

    Hey Redpill,

    I second. Does the motion carry? Can we have Apostate Boogah Boogah festivals?

  • orangefatcat

    I would love to show up at a convention and have everyone I know in a quantry as to whether or not I am disfellowshipped or reinstated, boogah boogah. I got you.


  • Layla33

    I love it. Sometimes if I am with family, and their JW friends come over, they will (as you know they are nosey as all get out) will start talking to me and I play along until I hear the "hey, can you come here for a second" and I KNOW what is being said, so after they get the look on their face like they ate dirt, I say "it was nice talking to you, toodles". Hahahaha

    Doe you ever wonder if a light bulb goes off at some point on how ridiculous it is to do this?

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