a website that NAMES JW child abusers?

by feenx 12 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • feenx

    Has anyone come across a website that people can report and publicly name JW's who have abused them? SilentLambs has the option to report someone and you can check states where reports have been made. However no names are publicly disayed. Could this be due to potential legal problems? I would think a site that names names could be benefical for victims who want to speak out as well as people who are still active JW's to help protect children. Any web or legal gurus out there tha know the ins and outs of what it would take to start a site like that?

  • Abandoned

    The names in a database and active server pages (they have a new version of ASP now though).

  • feenx

    I am trying to check into the legal aspect of things now. It would take a lot of financial resources for someone named on such a website to track down the actual poster, however I wonder if the WTBS Legal department became aware of it if they would take action to shut the site down based on defamation of character for the organization as a whole...

  • Abandoned
    I wonder if the WTBS Legal department became aware of it if they would take action to shut the site down

    I'm pretty sure they would. I can't think there would be a bigger piece of damning evidence against them.

  • Tuesday

    Honestly they will definetly get the server to pull the document within a week, but you could get it up for a week or so, if you posted it as a file then it would be enough time for it to get around the net and reposted on other sites. If you're looking to get something posted you could post it thinking that you're complying with the sex offender registration law, when they pull it or request you pull it from the site you can do that immediately. By then it will have made the rounds and technically you wouldn't have done anything illegal, sex offenders are supposed to be known to the public anyway, and when they asked you to pull it you complied. That's your best way around it.

  • BurnTheShips

    If they are convicted sexual offenders presumably the information would be public knowledge. In Florida you can track their addresses online using the Florida Department of Law Enforcement website.

  • DJK

    Watchdog lists sex offenders by area. Nothing illegal about it.

  • feenx

    So basically the work around could be to get the word out about the site BEFORE it's live, hopefully have a large response before the WTBS catches wind of it, and this info can be circulated by whomever and wherever, anonymously. And doing so we get as many names and locations out there as possible before it has to be pulled down. Is that the consensus so far?

  • Tuesday

    It looks like if they're registered/convicted sex offenders you could leave them up for eternity. If they're just accused, that would be an issue. But yeah, that's what I would say, get it to as many people as possible before they shut it down.

  • feenx

    So really it might be something to try and privately collect the info before putting up the site. hmmm......

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