If Your Aged Parent Asked U Not To Give Them Blood, Would U Agree?

by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    And if the shoe was on the other foot, Witnesses would never honor another's decision to accept blood!

  • parakeet

    I would do everything in my power to keep them alive, including blood transfusions.

    If they died because I agreed with their wishes about blood, I would consider myself an accessory to murder/suicide.

  • minimus

    Parakeet, you are in the minority (so far).

  • garybuss

    If Your Aged Parent Asked U Not To Give Them Blood, Would U Agree?


  • minimus

    there's 2, now.

  • parakeet

    Minimus wrote: "Parakeet, you are in the minority (so far)."

    If I were to agree with my parents' wishes about blood, not only would I be risking their lives (and I could not live with that on my conscience), I would be playing right into the WTS's hands. I can see the WT paragraph now: "Even apostates know in their hearts that blood transfusions are wrong. Most, if not all, apostates say they would comply with their JW parents' wishes about blood."

    All I know is that I'd rather have an angry, living parent than a dead one.

  • minimus

    Would you tell them you WOULDN'T give them blood, knowing that you would????

  • primitivegenius

    absolutely................... a kingdom hall funeral......... HELL NO but blood ...... yeah if they asked i certainly would

  • minimus

    But would you give them blood by decieving them into thinking you wouldn't?

  • pratt1

    I would very relutantly agree to not give my mother (a regular pioneer) Blood, because it is her wishes, not mine.

    However, my dad is a unbeliever and I know my mom would not honor my dad's wishes to get blood if the situation arise.

    I would do everthing in my power, including legal action to override my mom's decision. It would probably ruin our relationship forever, but I will not allow my mom to inflict her beliefs on my dad.

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