Ridiculous comments re: new meeting time and reduced public talk.

by truthseeker 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    My hall shares with 2 other congregations. We went from an early morning 10am start to 4pm.

    The elder giving the local needs part asks us the benefits of a later public talk/WT study, here are a sample of stupid, typically dub comments:

    1) We have more time for field service

    2) There are usually more people at home on a Sunday

    3) We have more time to study the Watchtower, to mediate on it.

    4) Since the meeting is at 4 pm, we can wake up with a whole day dedicated to Jehovah.

    5) Having the meeting at 4 pm means we can be spiritually refreshed all day.

    The only one sensible comment which came from a child

    We get to sleep in on Sunday.

    These JW's are so brainwashed it stinks - it takes a child to state the obvious benefit - Sunday is the only day of the week that the relentless hamster wheel schedule of JWs starts in the afternoon

  • truthseeker

    Oh, and the benefit of a reduced public talk - more association and/or more time for the ministry.

    The elder encouraged all the other elders to revamp their public talk outlines.

    Although not related to meeting times, this comment has to be the most brainwashed one. When the elder spoke of the changes to the Watchtower and asked for audience comments, here are "the best"

    1) Before we had the new WT arrangement, I used to sometimes place the Watchtower I used for Sunday with a householder. With the new arrangement, we will only offer householders the public edition meaning I will never lose my study edition. <gag alert> Isn't Jehovah's loving care wonderful, how he provides for his people through the organization?

    2) The new Watchtower editions allows those we meet in our ministry to easily understand the public edition. The study edition is for JW's and studies already familiar with our terminology.

  • Gopher

    Back in the 80s I was in a hall with 3 congregations. For some reason, the congregation I was in kept the 4pm meeting and wouldn't switch out of it for a number of years.

    Then the elders had a meeting wondering why attendance was so low. Hmmmmm.... couldn't be that people hated the 4pm meeting times? A lot of fringe attenders went to the 10:00 or 1:00 meeting earlier so their whole day wouldn't be ruined.

    As for the reduced public talk length -- it's amazing what some JW's will do to idolize their organization over every little new thing.

  • OnTheWayOut

    We get to sleep in on Sunday.

    So follow-up answers could be:
    "If you wanted to do something on the weekend, but felt guilty blowing off the meeting,
    at least you could have Friday evening until Sunday evening to do your thing. That allows
    some enjoyment of the weekend. Also, you could stay out late on Saturday and still
    get enough rest before the meeting."

    I knew a group that became a foreign language congregation. They had their TMS/Serv. Mtg.
    on Friday and their public talk on Saturday late afternoon. Many of them had bookstudy on
    Saturday morning. That ruined the weekend, but at least they got all that out of the way in less
    than 24 hours. They also got their field service in after the bookstudy, then virtually everyone
    relaxed and enjoyed their Sunday OFF.

  • blondie

    My husband kept track of how many people went out Sunday morning..............000000000000000000000000. It was everyone's turn to sleep in. One elder said he had to get up early every morning of the rest of the week, it was his day of rest, after all God had a day of rest.

  • yknot

    Sunday FS?

    Sure we left a tract at the table with the tip and some in the bathrooms of the restuarant we all ate at after the Sunday meeting. Maybe someone stopped by the Laundry Mat or put some on the newspaper stands, but actual knocking...NO that would cause too much uproar in the community.

  • stillajwexelder

    If the GB shouted SHIT - 6 million pairs of pants would be dropped and 6 million asses would begin straining

  • stillajwexelder

    and 6 million turds would be dropped into the sewer

  • Zico

    4pm? That must be awful. It would break up the whole day.

  • 95stormfront

    Hoefully he'll have "new lighted" instructions to his wh-organization wiping directions or else they'd probably not know what to do after should that happen.

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