STILLA, that was funny!
Ridiculous comments re: new meeting time and reduced public talk.
by truthseeker 20 Replies latest jw friends
We're talking about an organization that has a manual for Bethelites that teaches them how to flush properly.
We're talking about an organization that has a manual for Bethelites that teaches them how to flush properly.
This is a joke... right? Tell me this is a joke. [inkling]
i knew some people who shared a hall with a couple congregations and they alternated each year.... the three slots were rotated. so what happened? those that wanted to go to the 10 am meeting swapped congregations........ aint it a shame lol. i also knew people who went to the spanish congregation....... they had all their meetings on the weekend within 24 hours lol...... cause the english speaking congs had dibbs on the normal meeting nights..................... i always thought.......... that would me hella nice to get it over with at once
This is a joke... right? Tell me this is a joke.
No it is not a joke. I also remember when excerpts were read from this manual at a District Covention MANUSCRIPT TALK (so given world wide) and they mentioned in the talk about Bethelites and by extension everybody at the Kingdom Hall or book study at somebody's house should check to see the toilet is flushed properly. This is not a joke - it is totally serious. That is CONTROL, CONTROL, CONTROL
STILLA, that was funny! I have my moments minimus
BE: Yes Sister Canttakeitwithya?
SC: By 4PM, even though all of the grape kool-aid may be gone, Jehoober will loving provide us 4 PMers with cherry kool-aid. He truly is a loving and compassionate and caring and fair and righteous and allseeingallknowingabletobeeverywhereatonce god, isn't he?
the control never ceases to amaze me...and the cognitive dissonance...
1pm meeting...yeah, I think the congo my card is still rotting at just went from 9am to noon.... right smack in the middle of the day... I bet the 9am meeting stays highly attended....our area is a huge sports town...esp in the summer...
Back in the late 80s I was a temp at Brooklyn Bethell. I stayed in the Bossert...tiny tiny room...shared with another bed pulled out from under his..barely room to walk around it to get to the bathroom...(at least we had a bathroom).... anyway....
..I gleaned a peach from breakfast one morning...that evening I enjoyed it. I thought I was being a good boy by carefully wrapping the pit in a tissue and placing it carefully in the waste can in the room....nope..
The next afternoon, when I had returned from work, I had a typewritten note something like:
"Please place all food waste in the recepticles provided in the Bossert dining room. Thank You. Housekeeping."
I kid you not....
(I guess its a good idea to do that when you live in a city full of rats and snakes.......LOL....mostly concentrated at 25 Columbia Heights....)
SnakesInTheTower (of the "ironic, eh?" Sheep Class)
That is still a waste of time. People who go to the shorter boasting sessions are supposed to go out in field circus the extra 15 minutes. And they are talking about how that is the most blessed thing they could do. And I bet they are not going in any earlier after that to make up for the estra 15 minutes.
As for the association, I can no longer think of anyone in my congregation that is worth associating with. They took all that away while I was in, and now it is no longer worth it. All men. Being captive in an organization that wants to usurp all my time. Wasting a whole Christmas Day visiting the A$$embly Hell when it was empty, and then visiting an empty Kingdumb Hell. Being set up for rejection by all the sisters at a$$emblies, and then told to just meet men, right after the Puketower blamed poor Satan for it. What value would I get from an extra 15 minutes of that?
"If the GB shouted SHIT - 6 million pairs of pants would be dropped and 6 million asses would begin straining"