welcome civic........... this is the right place for you.
without knowing your situation i think you need to ask yourself some very important questions.
if im living with or relying upon finacial support from any jw......... can i make it on my own without them.
you think you know vaguely what your parents might do...... so did i...... as long as i was just inactive they were ok with talking to me........... now that they asked the right question and i told them i was going to another chuch...... cut off. these were people who talked to me EVERY week..... and im completely cut off.
ask yourself if you have an OUT.... meaning can you move where no one knows you, preferably out of state. prehaps take a job there or go to school....... distance makes it seriously easier.
ask yourself..... can i deal with being disfellowshipped..... and do i know that they are COMPLETELY FALSE.
you know minicans right.... the words that come out of their mouth...... youve heard it all before and you can probably predict EXACTLY what they are gonna say.
fact is... they preach out against all sorts of religions...... pointing their fingers at the pedopiles in the catholic church, and the politics that some churches get into............ yet they have peds in their ranks that they protect..... and they were active members of the UN for a damn decade...... hypocrits completely. if they say get out of her(babylon the great) lest you share in her sins............. same can be said of them.
my conscience wouldnt let me remain...... but i KNEW it was a waste of time to speak to my family about it.........i hoped that my life away from them would reflect gods blessing and make them curious and that i could exploit that by chipping away at their false religious cults teachings.
things is....... they will probably want you to meet with the elders....... and "get help". fact is they WONT help you...... they will simply take your questions as proof that you are already lost as an appostate....... if the questions you had COULD be answered the elders would be able to answer them in half an hour. instead they will put you off and consult the society and df you.
the elders dont have the answers.......... the society WONT give them to them because if they did the elders would leave. they CANNOT admit that they serve a man made organization................ so they will NEVER have the answers.
pray for the best....... and prepare for the worst...... ironicly it was my bible trained conscience that FORCED me to get out of her........... so at least i had that.
to fade is long and drawn out........ you can string them along for YEARS......... still associateing with them occasionally, or you can DA which i dont recommend as it shows that you are answering to their authority...... and they truely have none over you.
DA or DF'ed the announcement is the same............. civic is no longer one of jehovahs witnesses.... end result... same..
i faded untill my fam gave me no choice and i told them off.......... funny thing is they didnt report me....... they just pretend it never happened.......... but they wont speak to me and when i visited other family ("worldly") they wouldnt eat with me. otherwise nothing............ fortuantely tho i only have 5 members of my family in the cult........ and i got plenty of quality people in my "worldly" family who love me.
i would recommend that you try and make as many friends at work or at school as you can. will give you some support when the jws all leave.
best of luck bro best of luck