My kid comes home from the meeting worried about the devil. I'm not happy.

by jambon1 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    I think the head of household card will be your best bet. They do have tricks to play when an unbelieving husband tries to keep a child from going to the boasting session, and they are all specious. But, if you are really the head, I recommend giving the children equal footing with other opinions including other religions and even atheism.

    Trust me, there is nothing to worry about the Devil. What was the Devil's original motive in Eden? To get Adam to wake up and live an independent life without Jehovah Baghead telling him everything to do. Had Adam stayed faithful or Satan not spoken up, life would have been stagnant, with him being told everything to do and not to do. Satan was not required to do that, and it brought extra work and risk from an almighty jerk to do this, but he went above and beyond the call of duty to enhance Adam's life. And he got fired for doing that. Some corrupt boss Jehovah turned out to be--do more above and beyond the call of duty, and get fired for doing it. Some value creator that Almighty Parasite turned out to be.

    Now, if Satan was willing to do that for man, then I don't see how Satan could reasonably be expected to turn around and attack people. To me, that would contradict his attempting to set man free from Godly stagnation and oppression. Demons also are trying to set man free from God's influence, allowing man to solve our own problems without some almighty freeloader to take the credit for it. For sure, harassing and attacking people would not fit that purpose. And Satan is not so blindly stupid as the Watchtower Society makes him look.

    How afraid of Satan am I? I have numerous heavy metal CDs, including some in my computer. Among them are the dreaded Led Zeppelin songs, included on the box set that is so famous. I have the Rolling Stones' Sympathy For the Devil on my computer, and have no problems associated with it. There is much rap with lots of swearing and blatant drug references on it. I bought a Ouija board the day of the 2006 Crapmorial, and then missed that Crapmorial. I have a house full of Christmas decorations, including the most satanic and pagan images, many of which are still up (and could well stay up all year). I watch satanic videos and think nothing of it. I am able to objectively rate the video game Bulletproof (I faulted it, but only because the graphics make it impossible to see what the fxxx I'm shooting at). And, I have not had any demons attack me or infest my computer to cause any problems.

    If anything, I would be afraid of Jehovah, the Watchtower Society, or both. It is obvious that great harm is being done by one or both of those agents, and I suggest doing all you can to make sure your children never choose to become witlesses. Even if it means buying them a copy of Crisis of Conscience and making them read it as a condition of getting baptized.

  • R.Crusoe

    It may be a help to your sons state of mind if you let him know you've never come across anything like a devil in your life and nor has anyone you know and nor do you think you ever will and if you do you'll wonder what he wants with you saying as everyone dies anyhow - or something along those lines in your own timesacale - and add that this is just one reason why you don't sit and listen to others trying to put fear in you to keep you in their religious gang and doing as they say through mind control! Him seeing you that way may help him make up his own mind to himself and steer a course that makes it simpler to find a happy path for the both of you!

  • LouBelle

    Fear - that's what they use.

    They make the devil and his demons so very real - you can get attacked by them, they can hurt you, scare you...all sorts of nasties .... you poor child. You would need to counter that teaching - I don't know if you are a believer in God or in Spirit - perhpas let your child know that the Spirit wouldn't let things like that happen, and that the devil isn't really real **shrug** or perhaps take a strong stand with your wife!! Ask her if she would like your child to end up visiting a shrink with all this nonsense the JWs pump into their head????

    Could you refuse to let your child go???? is that an option???? During that time then so that the child doesn't miss mommy you can plan some fun activities.

  • justhuman

    The same crap that I'm facing, but I was a JW, and disfellwoshiped for apostasy...I also have a 6 year old and 3, and after my separation with my faithfull to the WT crap Society, wife I'm facing the same problem

    My wife she is a completely WT FANATIC. If WT tells her to sacrifice our children, she would do it!!!

    Anyway, try to show your children the other side of the coin. Talk to them about God that is love, and that He is more powerfull from the Devil. Tell them that no matter what you love your children and you don't want to harm them, and so is with God.

    Also you can take them to other Christian Churches so they will see the other side. No matter what don't allow your wife to brainwash them

  • myababes

    Why does your wife think she has the monopoly of taking them to the KH? She is taking them away from your company for at least 4 days of the week if she takes them on FS on a sat too. Put your foot down and tell her you have a right to spend time with the kids also and restrict them to going just once a week as a compromise.

    Also ask them if they like going. My grandaughter is 8 and sometimes goes with her other JW grandparents but grumbles like mad about going and says "she's glad she doesn't go all the time as its so boring and you have to sit still for 2 hours and not allowed to draw even cos grandma will get into trouble if she lets me!" If they don't like going then really put your foot down!!!!!!!!

  • whyizit

    The Bible specifically says that Satan is a defeated enemy. It also commands us to "fear not". Over and over again, the only one the Bible says we are to ever fear, is yahweh alone. And that fear is not "terror" that he will strike you down. Its this ind of fear: You don't want to do something that will disappoint or smear your Dad's name. You don't want your Dad to be ashamed of you. That kind of fear.

    Maybe if you show your son those places, it will counter the phobia indoctrination. he can concentrate on those verses, rather than the doom and gloom of demons lurking and hoping to jump him.

    If his mother gives you any crap about it, you could ask her what exactly is wrong with showing your son Bible verses?

  • carla

    Use the head of the house routine! If I had your anatomy I sure would! Or hmm, at six he can see the ludicrous in things, kids love it at that age. Show him the REALLY old stuff like whent the wt's said the bible predicted steam engines or how Rutherford talked about taking 'air baths' (jumping up & down naked) to ward of colds & sickness. Heck, there's plenty to choose from! Wifey really cannot object as it is only wt literature, right? Find the most asinine things and tell him what the jw's used to believe, he will begin to see.

  • darkuncle29

    You could go the route of playing the Husband and spiritual head card, but I think they will just ignore that. They only follow their rules when it suits them.

    Instead, I like the more subtle aproach. Take your kid out for icecream or something just the two of you, and very carefully bring the topic up. In a very non chalant way, just mention that "Daddy doesn't believe in blah blah devil.." The point is that you are going to delibratly and up front honestly tell your child that JW stuff is false, but in a way and level that the kid can understand.

    He may then ask, why he has to go tho the meeting? Or why he has to go in service or whatever? You could say, just for a little while to make mommy happy, or you could say when he's old enough-say 8 or 10- he can make his own mind up about going to meeting. That could be risky as it sets a precedent however...

    Another idea would be to get your kid involved in activites-scouting, sports, clubs, or you do things and go on outings. If you keep the kids busy, and let them have fun, they may naturaly see how boring the JW are.

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