This was one of the many reasons that I left the org. I just could not agree with some of the beliefs & ideas that kids are exposed to at the hall. Having not been raised in the org, I never had any idea what effect it all had on kids. I could only imagine.
Today, my young kid comes home from the meeting mentioning things about the devil. Asking me if he can harm us. Saying "he can't harm us, can he daddy"?
Now, when I was six, the only thing on my mind was where my next sweet was coming from or when I could get to my next football match. I wasn't thinking about an invisible creature that is 'out to get me'.
This is just the tip of the iceberg for me. After considering things like the 'oral' watchtower and other material such as the JW view of non JW's, etc, etc. All of it is just pure filth! It These things should never have to cross the mind of a six year old, or any kid for that matter.
I have brought up the matter to my wife before, but as usual, any criticism of the WTS is perceived as an all out attack on her faith & it ends up in the most unpleasant of arguments. I have been beaten into submission. It's just not worth raising valid concerns with her any more.
So, how do I tackle all this shit on a one-to-one with my kids. How do I counter this mind corrupting garbage?