What does your first name mean? Does it say who you are?
by restrangled 44 Replies latest jw friends
THOMAS Gender: Masculine
Usage: English, French, German, Dutch, Scandinavian, Greek, Biblical
Other Scripts: T?µa? (Greek)
Pronounced: TAHM-as (English), TOM-as (English), to-MA (French), TO-mahs (German, Dutch), tho-MAHS (Greek) [key]
Greek form of the Aramaic name Te'oma which meant "twin". In the New Testament this is the name of the apostle who doubts the resurrected Jesus. According to tradition he was martyred in India. Famous bearers of this name include philosopher and theologian Saint Thomas Aquinas, philosopher Thomas Hobbes, inventor Thomas Edison, American president Thomas Jefferson, and novelist Thomas Hardy. -
Mine means "God is my Judge". I kinda like that.
First name means 'conquerer"-second name is a "bean". See if you can figure out my name with some internet savvy. (bean as in a foodstuff).
mine means "saviour" .....WHAT the heck ever...lol....
Gender: Feminine
The etymology is debated: it could derive from an earlier Greek name which came from ************ "each of the two"; it could derive from the name of a goddess, it could be related to Greek ******* "torture"; or it could be from a Coptic name meaning "my consecration of your name". The Romans associated it with Greek ************* "pure" and changed their spelling to reflect this. The latter, "pure" is the meaning of my name that I am most familiar with and have seen in most name books ... the others are news to me, especially "torture" I'm not really sure what that means!!
Mine means "a drug dealer who is trying to quit the underworld drug business."
Mine means to sing. And NO I don't. Only to my babies when I would rock them. After that they started to tell me "momz, no sing".
first middle and maiden name>>>> beloved and pure of the high meadows ( latin/irish/english)
i think it is a cool depiction, but not necessarily a description of me
battle axe with a mean left is more to the point
( jk)