I really enjoy reading people's success stories. I will share a couple more of mine but please let us hear more about the personal accomplishments of those here on the board.
I moved to Jacksonville at 23 to start my new life. I started to college and exempted myself out of many classes by taking CLEP tests. I graduated from Junior College in 2 years with a 4.0 on an AA degree. While in school I again played on the College's Academic Bowl team. At work I was sent into several problem bank branches in order to straighten out their operations. With my degree and my reputation as a trouble shooter, I was promoted to Productivity Officer and thus began my venture into Bank Operational consulting. I had several successful projects and gained the respect of the President of the bank and a number of the executives. In 1986 I went on an Outward Bound Intensive Program for nine days in the mountains of North Carolina. It started me in a new direction in my thinking. Outward Bound puts you in an atmosphere where you are challenged to do things you didn't think you could do and encouragement your teammates to do the same. It is an incredible program that I highly recommend. You can get scholarships if you can't afford to pay for it yourself. I went on a scholarship from the bank I worked for.
During this time my personal life was still a roller coaster. I was dating sisters and falling in love with a young brother in my congregation named John.
I watched as all my friends and even my oldest niece got married and I became very depressed.
In May of 1988 at age 29, I decided that by my 30th birthday things had to change again.
I went to Key West Florida for a week to try to rediscover myself all over again.