Grace is going to have to start taking names

by mouthy 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • ButtLight
    What on EARTH can I do that is naughty????

    You dont really want people to answer that do you? It wasnt a true question, more of a statement right? LMAO Your so sweet!

  • mouthy

    You dont really want people to answer that do you? It wasnt a true question, more of a statement right? LMAO Your so sweet!

    No dont answer that because I can see where you get your light from
    But if you want to use the OTHER end YES answer that Love ya!!! buttlight

  • LouBelle

    ...and these names would be stored in a lil black book no doubt.

  • mouthy

    ...and these names would be stored in a lil black book no doubt

    Loubelle NO! I dont have a little black book did you never hear the saying "An Elephant never forgets "

  • LouBelle

    **sends granny grace a lil black book**

  • mouthy

    LOL LOU THanks

  • coffee_black

    And here's the rest of the story. I met cognac and her friend hypnotic tonight. We met at a coffee shop, and talked for a couple of hours. They are awesome. I am happy to have met them both. They will be a great support for eachother through the rocky road ahead as they find their way out...I consider them both to be friends.


  • brinjen

    Thank you CB, I wish them all the best in the journey ahead of them and I hope they both continue to post here.

  • cognac

    Thanks c_b! Hypnotic and I had a great time with you also! I'm really glad to have met you!

  • mouthy

    I wanted to be there too. Thanks Coffee for meeting our new friends. COGNAC & Hypnotic( I forgot how to spell it) Great your here with us,((((HUGS))) to all three of you

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