Maybe this?
I just stumped our PO!!!
by The Last Nephilim 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The Last Nephilim
It's not working or I'm clicking the wrong thing. Just above the Subject line I have little icons;
a light bulb
a tiny note
a thumbs down
a thumbs up
a red circle with an X in it
a yellow triangle with an ! in it
a speech balloon with an i in it
a speech balloon with a ? in it
and a blue circle with an i in it, which is the one I just tried twice.
Which is it? -
just below the subject line - right after the yellow smiley face
The Last Nephilim
I have no smiley face under the subject line. Directly under the subject line is my Post box where I'm typing this...
underneath the box you have options..
check that the box that says check here to use HTML formatting is ticked
The Last Nephilim
It is always checked by default, but still no smiley under the subject line...
well you have just stumped an ex po aswell then (thats me btw)
i notice farkel doesn't use quotes boxes (and he would definately benefit from doing so)
so maybe they just aren't available to everyone...
that also means that you cant italicise underline score out highlight or link etc etc - bummer.
it may be worth starting a thread asking for some direction as it just seems to be me and you trying on this one and someone else might have the answer.
plus im going to bed.
Death to the Pixies
The point about the original Greek text saying THE God of me was that JWs commonly use the reasoning that although called "a god" or "godlike" or "Mighty God", Jesus is never referred to as "Almighty God" or "THE God". In this instance it seems to prove otherwise. The text does not say that Thomas simply said the words, it states that he said the words TO Jesus.
You are ignoring why it has the article, not to identify his as the Almighty per se, but because it is possessive. Moule says:
“It John xx. 28 O kurios mou kai o Qeos mou, it is to be noted that a substantive in the Nominative case used in a vocative sense and followed by a possessive could not be anarthrous the article before Qeos may, therefore, not be significant.” Moule An Idiom Book of New Testament Greek. 2d ed.
Narkissos had some research on the vocative followed by a possessive that is of interest, but this gives more than enough reasonable doubt to the claim that Jesus is being called "Ho Theos" in that unique sense where it is applied to the Father as a quasi-proper noun or name. It still fits into the generic defintion of "god". Satan in 2 Cor. 4:4 is also, for grammatical reasons, called "Ho Theos"
still no smiley under the subject line...
It's your browser. If you use Firefox, you'll only have a message box where you can type plain text. If you use Internet Explorer, you'll get an extra toolbar just below the subject line with all the formatting options, smileys, quote boxes, highlighting, etc.
The point about the original Greek text saying THE God of me was...
It sounds like you might be imposing an English significance to a Greek usage of the definite aritcle. The definite article in Greek does not precede nouns in a nominative statement for the purpose of indicating genuinness out of a group or type as it does in English.
But don't misunderstand. I think in the context of the preceeding and following verses and the overall theology of John, it is obvioius what Thomas was saying