Beating a dead horse here. You can also show him eph.4:8 Gifts[in]men and compare the NWT to others
I just stumped our PO!!!
by The Last Nephilim 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If the society hates the ITL so much then why does it endorse the book as a publication??
The Last Nephilim
Liberty- thanks for the heads up. I did actually know that the Greek scriptures never contained the name "Jehovah" but I also thought it compelling that the times when 1st century bible writers quoted OT scripture that originally contained the name, they left it out. This is the reason the WTS puts it in there. They say that if it appeared in the original OT verse, then it should appear in the Greek quotations as well. Also, in the appendix of the KIT, on page 1133, they give more "proof" that the Hebrew Tetragrammaton appeared in early copies of the Septuagint, thereby proving that the divine name belongs in the GNT. I say that it's mighty fishy that Jesus, when praying, never says "Jehovah", even in the "model" prayer. Hmm...
moomanchu- Yes, you have to order it from the literature counter. It's not something they keep "in stock".
annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnttttttttt WRONG answer there bro......... they dont keep the OLD version, they changed alot of junk up and if you can get it at the hall........... it will NOT be the original one.
i went to visit my folks before i was revealed as one who goes to another church............ manged to borrow one from my folks LIBRARY........... the original one i think its 69........... THATS the one worth reading.
not the new one they changed a buncha crap in
The Last Nephilim
Primitive- Don't bite my head off!!! I thought he was asking about the one I have, the newer, blue one, not the older, purple one! Take it easy, killer!!!!
mind my own
Nice! Excellent work!
Let us know what comes of this.
Good luck with your PO LoN...
You might find some more of interest to you here with reference to the whys and hows of inserting the name Jehovah into the New Testament. -
Primitive- Don't bite my head off!!! I thought he was asking about the one I have, the newer, blue one, not the older, purple one! Take it easy, killer!!!!
I remember the release of the 69 KIT like yesterday. I've got both and wasn't aware of a lot of changes beyond trivialities. The 1969 KIT spells rho wrong on the inside front cover...
stilla said: I have had a Kingdom Interlinear for years and I am not apostate
Well thank the Lord of me and the God of me Stilla! I was gettin' worried there for a while.
Death to the Pixies:
if it is possessive it can't be "a god" of me
Why not? A person can own more than one of something. It doesn't matter that the thing is possessed by someone, but whether it is the or a.