I've been considering the teachings of the 144K by the borg and am wondering why they allow women to partake especially considering Revelation 14:4 which pretty much says the 144K are men who are virgins. Have any of you given this any thought?
Questioning the 144K
by OMG! Now What? 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Must obey!
Cuz it's just symbolic language being used there...nearly all of Revelation is symbolic. It doesn't literally mean they are all virginal men.
I think this is a very good question.
What are some of the extended applications of the word "virgin"?
Which application would make sense in this scripture?
How are these chosen ones "untouched" in such a way as to set them apart from other people?
The Last Nephilim
Rev 14:4 doesn't say that it refers specifically to males, and besides, cannot a woman defile herself with another woman? Nevertheless, as Must obey! pointed out, the language is considered symbolic, and the "woman", if I'm not mistaken, stands for false religion, just as the "harlot" does. If you cross reference Rev 14:4, it leads you to other verses such as James 4:4 which refer to having "friendship with the world" etc... So it seems to indicate that the 144k are ones who were never part of organized false religion. This, however, begs the question of "What about Brother So&so who used to be Catholic but is now of the anointed?" We have such an anointed brother in my cong- used to be catholic. Interesting indeed!
Because they have no idea what it really means and are using whatever opinion so that it flies with their religious interpretations, which have been incorrect plenty of times, and which time they have changed their tune plenty of times.
I wrote post on this subject you can check it by checking my post history.
On this doctrine Jehovah's Witnesses are in some error ! All 144000 are menservants ( men) and to understand that you have to know how God Yahweh chooses His servants.
At issue is predestination .
144000 can be derived from: 400 years in slavery in Egypt x 360 days in each year .
400 x 360 = 144 000
Read carefully Matthew 25.31- 46.
Matthew 25.40 : Christ and " the least brothers of mine " are in the middle ! Not on the right side.
They are brothers, not sisters
how can u stop a woman from eating?????.......ouch.........oompa
As far as I know, there is nothing in the entire book of Revelation that indicates that women would be included.
ON the contrary, they are reffered to as kings and priests. Women were not allowed to be priests under Jewish OR Christian rules, and 'kings' are male by definition.
Plus, the entire Bible indicates that men are superior, so why would it be surprising that women can't be included in the 144K?You can say 'It's just symbolic' but when you ignore blatantly obvious stuff like that, then you can just toss the whole stinking book and make up whatever you want.
but that would mean that 144k isn't literal.
my faith is crushed. ;)
As far as I know, there is nothing in the entire book of Revelation that indicates that women would be included.
ON the contrary, they are reffered to as kings and priests. Women were not allowed to be priests under Jewish OR Christian rules, and 'kings' are male by definition.
Well, the way I heard it (from the JWs) was that the resurrected would be SEXLESS creatures. They also said that those who survived Armageddon would be the only ones to be able to produce children.
So according to that sort of logic....if the 144,000 are all resurrected then it could include the species formally known as the female. Right?
Is there a scripture that indicates the 144,000 come through the tribulation and Armageddon???