New Crop of C.O.'s - Charismatic or Company Men?

by Confucious 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Confucious

    Just a fun discussion thread here.

    When I first was involved in the WT - probably early 90's...

    All the C.O.'s were really charismatic men.

    I know part of it was that the WT gave the men a LOT of leway on their talks. Pretty much they can use their speaking talents.

    I mean, some of the C.O.'s I had were really what I call natural leaders.

    Seriously, some of them could have had careers as stand up comics.

    I know in the early 2000's... I know that the WT was tighting up the rope. I know that the C.O.'s had to stick more to the outline, etc.

    But I also found that as time went on... that the C.O.'s were a lot more dry. They were more like Retail Store District Managers than the "spiritual superstars" of the early 90's.

    Have you noticed that trend?

  • changeling

    In 47 years you meet a lot of CO's. Being that my parents were missioanry wanna be's they were very chummy with CO's,DO's and such.

    I agree with your assesment. In the past these guys were dynamos. Great speakers, movers and, no so much.

    In the last 10-15 years we had a series of newer CO's who were very "milk toasty".

    Basically, they are number crunchers. They go around to audit the records. Motivating and comforting the "flock" is no longer relevant.


  • Confucious

    That's how I've been seeing it.

    There was a time where we would pass around "bootleg" casette recordings of C.O. talks.

    Some of them were incredibly fantastic.

    Not so much anymore.

  • oompa

    There used to be great ones, but for the past 15 or 20 years they are all canned. Or made like with a cookie cutter.....all the same.....oompa

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    I would have to agree. Some of the guys from the 70's and 80's were fantastic. 90's and 2000's it really started to slide.

    But of course, back then I was in a euphoric fog. I was going to live forever, and death was ABSOLUTELY OUT OF THE QUESTION! I was too young to die before the generation ran out! Man, I was on top of the f*#*^ng world! Damn right the CO's were better back then! LOL!

    The Oracle

  • steve2

    Seriously, some of them could have had careers as stand up comics.

    With their scripts written by the anonymous writers at Bethel, these talented men have no shortage of material. In fact, a simple reading aloud of the Watchtower is likely to induce puzzlement and laughter at the same time in any reader with even a couple of brain cells to rub together...

  • yknot

    CO bootleg cassettes ....that brings back such good memories. I haven't heard of any since about 1996.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    When I was young, the COs were motivated by 100% conviction. They provided their own car and usually a trailer. Received almost nothing from the bOrg, and little from the circuit. They worked every day and every night in their assignments. Assemblies were a ton of work for everyone, especially the CO. They earned respect and expected little. They worked diligently and urgently since the end was sooooooo close.

    Now, the COs are corporate middle managers. Company car, all expenses (sometimes very questionable) paid by the congregations of circuit, additional reimbursement from the bOrg, circuit apartment free and clear. Set schedule for free Mondays, minimal weekend activity, late mornings, more free evenings. Congregations to provide all food and additional housing. Most work delegated. Almost no original material, use formulaic corporate outlines over and over. 'Motivate' by stressing more field service or alternative witnessing or phone witnessing or more RVs. Expect everything, earn nothing, since you are to be respected for the position you are in, not for anything you actually have done. Tell everyone the end is soooooo close, but don't bother making friends since you'll only be in that circuit for 3 years and then on to the next. Kiss the @sses of the upper management above you, brutalize the workers below you--that's the formula for a successful middle manager.

    Today, most of those that would make good COs are the substitute COs who work for nothing. The current crop of COs are company men. The CO training school at Patterson actually seems to made them worse. Now their attitude is, "It's all about the numbers!"

  • blondie

    It is hard to find COs today. They are either ex-Bethelites trying to move up the ladder, or local elders without minor children who get a pep talk from the current CO. I have seen many leave after a couple of years to "look after older parents." It is hard to give up your financial situation (the older ones). The younger ex-Bethelites, have to be company men to advance. I think the COs have a refresher course every year for 2 weeks to make sure they are on the same page as the WTS.

  • Confucious

    Going along with Billy's thoughts...

    I did the cong accounting for almost 10 years. During that time, I got to see the C.O. expense reinburments get more and more bizarre.

    The last C.O. had like grooming supplies from Wal-mart and stuff like that.

    And of course it has to be "approved" by the cong from the stage - which was a joke. All approved? Anyone not approve we pay this?

    But for this C.O. I had to just gloss over the expenses.

    Also.. in the beginning, the nights with the C.O. - I looked foward to the Tues/Thurs and Sunday talks.

    It was your one break and I have to say the talks were enjoyable. But the last few when I went were no different that the regualr meetings we had.

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