You Who Have Been on the Board For Awhile - What Are your Concerns ?

by flipper 176 Replies latest jw friends

  • Odrade

    They share an account, and nearly always remember to sign their posts so we know who is talking. It seems to work. They've always been perfectly up-front about this.

  • flipper

    IBME - Yeah, it used to confuse people because my wife started the account- trying to figure out how to deal with my witness family. But I started posting a couple months later and I am the primary poster now. Have been since June. That is why we changed the avatar to blue for male ! And yes Odrade is correct - my wife and I each identify ourselves when we post individually. And if she has helped me form a thread - I give her credit where credit is due- and include her name. All clear now ? LOL!

    ODRADE- Thanks for going to bat girl ! Thanks

  • gumby

    My concerns? One of my concerns....and a big one, is I still do not know if a spiritual life exists other than in the mind.

    I still want to know how everything in existance started and if a conscience entity is responsible and what their intentions were/are.

    That's about as simple as I can make it.


  • mouthy

    Well Gumby what you do is ask the Creator !!! Dont tell me off sweetie.

  • ozziepost

    I didn't intend contributing here 'cos I thought I didn't have anything to say, but now I must reveal that one concern I have is that all things must pass and there'll be a time when the interaction with one of my fave individuals, that ole grumblestiltskin, will be gone.

    Enjoy the day folks - it will not last forever.

    Ozzie (waving to that Grumbly one)

  • flipper

    GUMBY- I agree with you, yes. I think spirituality exists in the individual himself - his mind and spirit .Not in organized religion though. Just my opinion.

    MOUTHY - Hey sweet lady- nobody would ever tell you off my friend, we respect your opinion.

    OZZIEPOST- I think we can interact with whomever we want - in spite of what the witnesses say

  • gumby

    Ozmeister, whadya mean you wasn't gonna participate. I've never seen the ozmeister NOT voice his least at some point

    It's ok though meister, I still pray in Jesus name just in case he's the real Macoy.

    My point was that I wonder if there even IS a spiritual side to life. I won't to know if there is one to be truely had. I can't figure out why it doesn't let me know since I'm so persistant but eveidently if something exists, they've got a good reason for not speaking to me.


  • flipper

    GUMBY- I feel spirituality is within us individually. No need for organized religion in my humble opinion

  • Satanus


    Lots of people just can't sense spiritual stuff. Some cultures have traditional practices where they can learn it. Take the native americans.

    They have the coming of age thing for guys, where they go off by themselves somewhere in the bush or on a mountain. They don't eat or drink for days, until they get a vision. Some don't get a vision, though. LOts see their ancestors, or a spirit animal that is supposed to help them. I think the sweat lodge thing has something to do that, too.

    In tibet, it's similar, but different. They go into seclusion and meditate, sometimes for yrs.

    So, what have you done, in your quest for something spiritual?


  • gumby

    Hi Flipster.

    I understand what your saying, but that doesn't address my point. I want to know whether a creator exists or not, if there are spiritual entities or not, and whether our consciousness self continues on in a similar fashion.

    I gotta take a nap so I'm checkin out.


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