For those wishing to honor Paine with flowers at his grave, as mentioned, I think you can find it somewhere here (Thomas Paine Memorial Museum):
Trash THIS!
by Farkel 128 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
enjoyable comments eveyone
I'm fascinated by Thomas Paine's writings in that he seemed to straddle two perspectives equally - the enlightenment perspective with its emphasis on reason and logic and the Romanticism perpective with its emphasis on the inner subjective experience of the divine.
I'm not that smart. Other people have expounded on stuff that I don't understand.
Excuse me if I am wrong, but didn't Thomas Paine totally trash the Bible as an "inspired" document?
Isn't that the point of my thread here or did I not even understand the point of my thread when I composed the topic of my thread?
Thomas Paine did indeed trash the Bible as an "inspired" document.
I assume you were looking for Christian apologists to refute his beliefs and these folks weren't forthcoming.
Other people have expounded on stuff that I don't understand.
What stuff?................................Journey
My copy arrived. Reading it now. Great read. Will critique it later
I am quite surprised at the responses and activity that was generated from my simple introduction to Paine that many people had not read.
HS and many others have offered many things to think about. I am grateful for that. I cannot comment on all the responses, and will certainly not comment on that "Burn The Ships" idiot whose only purpose is to derail civil discussion. I spit on that idiot.
unconfused asked:
: farkel - what is your critique of his essays?
There were a few minor faults I found with his Age of Reason. He said (as I recall) there were only 7 planets in our solar system. There are nine, maybe ten. But that is irrelevant. He lived 200 years ago, and they didn't even have modern telescopes then! Most of his facts are solid.
Secondly, when I first reviewed The Age of Reason for myself over ten years ago, I used my own Bible and found out how amazingly accurate he was in quoting scripture from his head. I was blown away that he did this ALL (part 1 of it anyway) from memory when he was in prison in France with NO Bible in his possession.
Thomas Paine was not without his faults. He said some terrible things about George Washington (maybe they were true) and he was a rather uneducated pamphleteer during his life.
That doesn't take away from his genius and his contribution to humanity, however. Let his own words stand or fall on their own merit.
: Other people have expounded on stuff that I don't understand.
The meaning of everything that I don't understand, which is just about everything there is. For example.
Sorry it took so long for me to respond to this:
: First off you ask thread participants to "critique his essays".
: Then you say:
I don't want opinions, chit chat, cutsy stuff or your own personal opinions. I don't want your own uninformed ideas, speculations, judgments or stories.
I trust the other people who have read it might just well agree with this approach and do their own "moderating" for the ding-dongs that think their "opinions" mean something.
:Now, my question is how am I supposed to critique something without including my own opinions or judgements?
Simple. Opinions and judgements are subjective and are worthless in a real debate. A critique is objective. Your opinions and judgements are NOT arguments. No one gives a flying flip about your opinions, my opinions or those of anyone else. Critique using FACTS to defeat arguments. Your opinions mean crap.
"It is my opinion and I FEEL strongly that your arguments are worthless. Therefore, there is a possibility that your arguments are worthless."
Such a retort is utter bullshit and utterly without merit and utterly unworthy of discussion.
I spit on that idiot.