Can we PLEASE stop calling bs on people unless we KNOW them?

by avishai 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Confession

    In my observation of people (and study of temperament,) it's become clear to me that there exists a particlar disposition that--perhaps above all other things--is worried that someone is going to get over on them.

    Now none of us wants to be fooled. But some of us seem preoccupied with it. To these people the worst possible thing in the world is the thought that someone might be trying to pull the wool over their eyes--and they are compelled by some raging need to let the ones in question know that they are not going to get away with it!!

    It's true that such "watchpersons" think they're looking out--not just for themselves--but for others as well, and their motivation can often be a good one. But in my opinion this sort of zeal can short-circuit their judgment. They may be perfectly intelligent otherwise, but, when faced with the scent of a possible fraud, their eyes squint, their jaw juts forward, their heart races, their finger points, and their tone deepens... While the rest of us say...

    "Hey, relax. Maybe they're telling the truth; maybe they're not. You don't know either way for sure. It doesn't really matter anyway, does it?"

    ...they say...

    "Fools! He's making fun of all of you! We can't let this happen! Argghhhhh! No, no, no! We must show him he's not going to get away with this!!!"

    We're just different people...y'know?

  • JK666


    I would NEVER call you stupid! You were the one that taught me to swear more creatively. I have learned to like using the term "bugger."


  • bite me
    bite me

    I learned the word "bugger" a few years ago. Love it. Haven't seen or used it for awhile. Brings back cute memories. hehe

  • freetosee

    Not knowing the background of the poster of the "original" thread, i too would have thought it was a joke. (Im very happy she's better now and it was heartwarming to see the loving support she was given.)
    We can always apologize for a mistake, and i think Jeffs apology is genuine!
    No matter if new or long-time poster, we should all treat each other with respect.
    This troll-phobic behavior towards new posters can be damaging even dangerous to people who come here for help.

  • mouthy

    You were the one that taught me to swear more creatively. OH ! NO JK Surely not.!!!! Well If I did !!! thats what you are a little one though !!!! ((((HUGS))
    Love ya sweetie ,,,,, Hope the respect will always be between us XXX

  • parakeet

    I agree. Wait until the troll comes out in questionable newbies before we condemn.

    Personally, I tend to like most trolls. I miss Estephan and OBVES, the most entertaining crazy trolls I've seen here. Estephan used to start off almost rationally, but as soon as posters pushed a few of his buttons, his true nutty self came out -- long, long rainbow-colored posts (mostly in caps) filled with twisted scriptures and grandiose plans for himself (such as sitting on a throne in heaven next to David). Now that was entertainment!

    But I would be willing to give all of that up if AlanF were to come back. We need his expertise and knowledge as a counterweight when barking mad JW apologists show up. Farkel's come back (I hope for a long while), and he's forced some misguided posters to justify their beliefs, but we need AlanF too.

    Simon, I promise to forgive you for all the nasty things you've said about Americans if you'll only allow AlanF to come back. Pretty please with sugar on top?

  • avishai

    No problem, Jeffrey, sorry if i came off too harsh as well.

  • AGuest

    I must say, this is a VERY interesting thread -

    A very similar thing occurred some time back; however, it was Eryn herself who jumped to some [wrong] conclsions. She later acknowledged that she spoke without knowing. However, when the subject of her conclusions gave a defense, several folks got REAL upset because it was perceived that Eryn had been "attacked," which was actually not the case at all; in fact, Eryn herself "cast" the first "stone". Such "attack" was deemed "unacceptable," however, by her defenders due to the fact that Eryn was ill (which the target of the "stone" had absolutely no knowledge of).

    I am personally not so insensitive to think that we should disregard a person in their weakest of states but rather, give every benefit of the doubt that we can. I also don't think we should be so hypocritical, however, so as to lamblast someone else, who spoke without knowledge, for the same error. Mistakes happen. Error occurs. And in this case, the person has apologized, PROFUSELY. What more is he to give? Should he not to be forgiven? Seriously, can ANY one of you who on this path "righteous indignation" continue... and, yet, NOT be a hypocrite?

    I sympathize (and empathize) with Eryn, truly, and with your sympathy for her - it is well-deserved, by ANY of us who are undergoing WHATEVER manner of suffering, as we all are suffering in SOME manner. But it does not give ANY of us excuse to treat another so unkindly. Did you not learn ANYTHING during your stint with the WTBTS about judging, and being unmerciful, about being unforgiving? How many here have been greatly, if not permanently damaged by such thinking?!!

    If you DID learn something, how is it that you can decry them, and yet, turn around and do exactly the SAME thing you "hate" them for? If you DIDN'T learn anything, how can you, who are yet blind... and deaf... and dumb... call to question ANYTHING anyone else says about ANYTHING?

    Eryn - we are ALL very sorry for your state and particularly what occurred last night. You are in our hearts, our minds, AND our prayers (for those of us who still pray). Jeff - you made a mistake, as you rightly acknowledge... and apologized, and rightly so. And we forgive you. Yes... we DO. Just as we would want you to forgive us had you been on the receiving end.

    The rest... and particularly those who might be offended - don't be: you know what I have stated is true and it is for your own benefit... and those that love YOU... that I stated it. You really have GOT to ALLOW yourselves to move on past thinking... and reacting... in ways such as this. Otherwise, you are just like "them" - no different, and no better. You really need to allow yourselves to let this type of (okay, I won't use the word, but you know what I mean) GO... and get past your fearful, angry, judgmental WTBTS senstive, paranoid, suspicous "baggage." It does you NO service - you truly ARE better than this. LET IT GO, before YOU end up "destroying" someone, too! And then, where will you be?

    Again, I bid you all peace... love (without hypocrisy)... and common sense.

    SA, on her own (because I would never drag my Lord into something as "wordly" as this!)

  • avishai

    Aguest, beautiful post.

  • eclipse
    I am personally not so insensitive to think that we should disregard a person in their weakest of states but rather, give every benefit of the doubt that we can. I also don't think we should be so hypocritical, however, so as to lamblast someone else, who spoke without knowledge, for the same error. Mistakes happen. Error occurs. And in this case, the person has apologized, PROFUSELY. What more is he to give? Should he not to be forgiven? Seriously, can ANY one of you who on this path "righteous indignation" continue... and, yet, NOT be a hypocrite?

    Um, no one here has said Jeff is not forgiven. The matter was cleared up and dropped.

    There was no need to bring this up again.

    His Apology was accepted, by, as far as posts reveal, everyone.

    Eryn is not upset at Jefferywhat.

    She did not post anything but a thank you to all for their care.

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