Can we PLEASE stop calling bs on people unless we KNOW them?

by avishai 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    My response wasn't for Eryn, by no stretch of the imagination. Eryn didn't even comment in the thread. It was for "silly rabbits": you know, folks who unkindly malign others for jumping to the wrong conclusion, while doing so themselves. Like you... here.

    My peace remains.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • bisous

    Frankly, the ongoing outbursts from both the self-appointed defenders AND the self-appointed monitors are more than tiresome. Avishai and AGuest, excellent points.

  • eclipse


    I am very aware that your response was not to eryn.

    My response to you was to show that we had forgiven Jeff, because you stated that we had not.

    My reference to eryn was about her comment in the original thread,

    to point out that she herself did not hold a grudge. That is all.

  • 5go
    Someone just called "bull$h*t" on a sick poster. I'm getting really, really fed up with the petty witch hunts and hall monitoring. Fed up, I almost don't want to be on here anymore.

    To me it depends if they attack the community in their post. If they do, they are begging for a BS call. If they aren't, I agree give them the benefit of a doubt until they start attacking or hurting the community then call BS

  • bikerchic
    Frankly, the ongoing outbursts from both the self-appointed defenders AND the self-appointed monitors are more than tiresome.

    And then there are the self appointed $#!+ stirrers.

    FWIW avaishai your question is redundant at the very least, I guess that would mean we should only call bs on people we know, get real!

    This thread is just playing to the peanut gallery and it's locked.

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