When we speak of the Nature of God, we talk of attributes such as his infinite immutable eternal love. What joy that should fill us with! How that should elevate our hearts and minds!
To talk about our wondrous God and of his infinite wisdom should unite people of all faiths, religions and beliefs. But people use the Nature of God as a tool for division, as a reason for fighting! How can it be that the God who is Love can be used as a pretext for war, murder and argument?
It is unbelievable that church leaders would use the Nature of God as a whipping boy, a means for identifying their exclusivity. The infinite God becomes an argument for confining his love to one group of his creation. How perverse! “God is Infinite Love”, they declare, yet in the same breath they claim exclusive understanding and ownership.
How can the finite mind and limited experience of man begin to comprehend the dimensions of the Infinite? Nowhere in Scripture do we find a systematic theology, a defined creed. Rather, we read of man’s awe and wonder as they encounter God. This should be our experience also.
We should wonder at the fact that God mapped the way to provide the means for our salvation from the effects of sin and then he completed the means. Even more, that he donates the outcome as a gift, based solely on our faith.
Yet the WTS pushes its ideas on the Nature of God as a means for manufacturing a barrier between it and other faiths. They use the Nature of God to demonize others, in order to keep hold of its victims. As if God could be confined. Their God is so small.
During the early part of the 1970s, I wrote a study dealing with the Nature of God. I have made it available as a 2.6 Meg PDF file at:
Since I wrote this during the early 1970s, I make references to books that were current at the time, such as “Aid to Bible Understanding”. I also often used the Authorized Version (AV), the King James Version.
Doug Mason