Inculcation can be used for good things. For instance, if children were not inculcated, they would never learn to talk. Repeating the language helps them learn to talk, since that is how they learn what different words mean. It also helps people learn new skills. One can be inculcated, for instance, to use the computer and master programming. Fully honest business can be inculcated in people, too--and such businesses, when regulators mind their own damn business, usually last until some corrupt successor usurps it.
However, the way the Watchtower Society uses the word, it is always a bad thing. It is always bad to inculcate in children (or adults) that they need to go to five meetings a week, screech around for hours in field circus, waste their lives on menial jobs, and then donate to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. Or, that if they don't do all the above, they are going to die. That is misinculcation, or inculcating dishonesty and/or laziness.
Yes, inculcation can be a good thing. But when you inculcate mysticism, it is always bad. The Watchtower Society is mysticism multiplied by mysticism. And that can do nothing but produce rotten fruitages. And none of it is to anyone's benefit except the Watchtower Society.