Darin's Tijuana Mexico JW experience

by Junction-Guy 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Oh he must have been on Revolution street, ha ha ha several great clubs near there, now tell me why in the world would he go chasing watchterror crap when there's a donkey show to be seen!!!!

  • Gopher


    I've been to that store! My family went to an international convention in California in 1978, then took a tour that included L.A., San Diego and Tijuana. We noticed the little Watchtower-shaped sign on the outside and wandered in.

    We encountered a man whom we assumed to be the owner of the shop, and he was definitely a JW. He was happy to see our little JW family come into his store.

    And your brother's story matches up with mine -- I was there in daytime and don't remember seeing prostitutes, but I do remember street beggars and kids wanting to shine shoes. Tijuana lives off American tourists.

  • 5go
    Has anyone ever told you that you have a severe prejudice? You really hate those that you consider to be "haves" don't you?

    Has any one told you that I was conservative at one time and there by know the mindset of the typical conservative. Which is why I left that ideology in disgust. They are thieves that use the law to steal. Which is how things work in Mexico. He who has the gold rules Mexico.

  • Dogaradodya

    Excuse me but I'm just dropping this bomb so I can be a Jedi in 100 days and be able to start Star Wars.


  • BurnTheShips
    Has any one told you that I was conservative at one time and there by know the mindset of the typical conservative. Which is why I left that ideology in disgust. They are thieves that use the law to steal. Which is how things work in Mexico. He who has the gold rules Mexico.

    I am pretty conservative. In fact I won't eschew the label for the purpose of the discussion. Am I a thief too? Do you see the problem with those kinds of blanket statements?



  • primitivegenius

    ive been to mexico....... nogales....... as soon as you walk across the border............ there is a tent where they ask if you want a girl....... and when you turn them down.... they say........... loudly........ what you like little boys......... and i DONT want to know if they supply them as well......... cause i would be totally .

    when i was living in miami i got a job off 78th-79th street.... went there between 5 and 6 am........ and there were hookers on every cornor..... i was rideing with some people and as we weaved amonst the working girls to get to the job....... the driver almost has a wreck all the while yelling TITS TITS TITS......... and by the time i looked back over......... he/she/it had popped them babies back into a top that looked far to small to contain them.

    so i guess that ill have to say that its just as bad in certain areas of the us.

  • BurnTheShips
    when i was living in miami i got a job off 78th-79th street.... went there between 5 and 6 am........ and there were hookers on every cornor..... i was rideing with some people and as we weaved amonst the working girls to get to the job....... the driver almost has a wreck all the while yelling TITS TITS TITS......... and by the time i looked back over......... he/she/it had popped them babies back into a top that looked far to small to contain them.

    Yup. The infamous 79th street. Miami has some really nasty areas.


  • mentalclearness

    I´ve never been to mexico myself but it seems like there are disgusting things all over the world. Here in Peru we also have our share of prostitutes and not too far from pretty nice areas you´ll encounter them half naked with obvious silicon implants..funny thing is when you get closer you realize that they are transvestites...yeah..that´s pretty funny!!!!

  • PrimateDave

    Never been to Tijuana. I'm surprised the supposed JW woman understood "disfellowshipped" since it isn't anything like the Spanish equivalent "expulsado". Then again, you never can tell.

    I drove to Matamoros a few years ago. It wasn't that big a deal, though. I went with a Mexican (JW) friend who took a truck down and left it with some family of his. I know one thing. I'll never drive 25 hours straight ever again in my life!

    Burn, where do you come from originally, if I may ask? BTW, yes, I really do live in Puerto Rico, but I'm a norteamericano.


  • dawg

    I live in a small college town... in the middle of so called down town... we have 4 or 5 prostitutes that stand on the corner of the street; and I live in a nice area.

    Never been to Mexico, but I must admit, the donkey show would be my first stop, I think its gross as hell but damn, its like a train wreck, you really don't want to see it but you have to look.

    Besides all that, what's wrong with a lday selling her wares? I'm too afraid of AIDS to ever buy any, but it is the oldest profession... Abraham got some nookie from a prostitute and God still loved him....

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