By "punish", do you mean let them suffer the loss of their loved ones to "Satan's wicked system", or do you merely mean extending the length of this old system?
My thought process was that the end hasn't come because it is some kind of a test to see how faithful his people can be.
Is this reasoning something your JW family believes? I thought JW's taught that Jehovah has a fixed date in mind for Armageddon, and that by now Jesus already knows so that he can "gear up" for the great battle.
And why would he continue to test people like my family, who is hurting because so many of their children and their friends' children are "leaving the truth." I guess I think the JW's feel like the broken shells of people that they are is somehow proof of being persecuted by Satan.
Actually this "test" is coming from the organization's policies about avoiding or even shunning family members who don't adhere to the Watchtower's current doctrines.
I think it's proof that it's all a farce. What do you think?
Yes, it's a self-inflicted persecution complex. The farther away you get from the JW organization, the more clearly you see that their hurts are self-inflicted, and that people generally try to avoid them because they have a reputation for being narrow and exclusivist. Try to be a friend with a JW -- and you'll keep running into things they can't do because their religion prohibits it. The WTS has built an artificial wall around its followers to screen them off from normal interaction with other humans. Those inside the wall then cry about "persecution". Go figure.