Hillary "I have been fighting for change for 36 years!!".then u r a frikkin

by oompa 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks

    I just reread your first post Oompa. She hasn't had power for 36 yrs. She started at the Children's Defense Fund out of law school, and worked for change. Made some progress there. As First Lady, brought Health Care to the forefront. Made some progress but not enough. Etc. Etc. We have had a conservative gov for too many years, what have THEY brought? More tax cuts for the wealthy, rape the environment, begin a seemingly endless war, cronyism, corruption...................................??? Continuing to work for change in the face of right wing obstacles is to be admired, now how some power?!

  • watson

    I have NEVER seen a person look down and to the right so much when being questioned or interviewed!! What does that mean?

  • JK666

    She makes Monica look good!


    (did I really say that?!)

  • JK666


    Left is the traditional lying glance, who knows what that means? I am am sure Farkel will enlighten and demean us as twits!


  • beksbks

    Hee he, are you Twit #4??

  • beksbks

    Again Oompa, who better??? I like Obama, but is he strong enough at this point in time? I kinda like Edwards, but there is just something........ No Repub is even worthy of adult discussion at this point.

  • Priest73

    parents are responsible at the end of the day.

  • watson

    Looking down

    Looking at a person can be an act of power and domination. Looking down involves not looking at the other person, which hence may be a sign of submission ('I am not a threat, really; please do not hurt me. You are so glorious I would be dazzled if I looked at you.')

    Looking down can thus be a signal of submission. It can also indicate that the person is feeling guilty.

    Looking down and to the left can indicate that they are talking to themselves (look for slight movement of the lips). Looking down and to the right can indicate that they are attending to internal emotions.

    It ain't the submission thing, I assure you.

  • ronin1

    Sorry, she lost my vote with that fake, broadway, drama queen, crying emotional scene.


  • beksbks

    Ohhhh I don't think that was the idea. Did you read any of the book?? I always took the idea that we need to be more of a community, that's all. That the respect for other authority figures that past generations had is lost. And that it's not good. We probably need more of it now than ever before, because parents have so much pressure and so little time to parent. That the rest of the village is there to care too.

    You know, you are the childs dad, but I am in the cooking tent, and Brinjen is teaching, and FA is hunting, Outlaw is protecting, and Burn is the Shaman.........oh hmmm maybe not such a good idea. Nevermind.

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