Hillary "I have been fighting for change for 36 years!!".then u r a frikkin

by oompa 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • uninformed

    I just reread your first post Oompa. She hasn't had power for 36 yrs. She started at the Children's Defense Fund out of law school, and worked for change. Made some progress there. As First Lady, brought Health Care to the forefront. Made some progress but not enough. Etc. Etc. We have had a conservative gov for too many years, what have THEY brought? More tax cuts for the wealthy, rape the environment, begin a seemingly endless war, cronyism, corruption...................................??? Continuing to work for change in the face of right wing obstacles is to be admired, now how some power?!

    Our government is not conservative.

    Our tonge-tied President is not conservative.

    Out country has too many taxes. Hillary wants more, along with Osama ben Bama and Edwards.

    The Republicans are fresh out of conservatives too.

    Dead Fred is probably the best choice in a field of bad choices.

    Hillary will probably be our next president. For my comfort, she and Bill have known way too many dead people. In the resurrection, if there is one, I would like to speak with Vince Foster. Where are his files?

    Hillary is evil, and she will further destroy our country by taxing us to death. I hope she is the next President so you liberals will have to spend the next 8 years defending her.


  • BurnTheShips
    For my comfort, she and Bill have known way too many dead people.

    Yes. I am shocked, SHOCKED, that Norman Hsu is still counted among the living.

  • uninformed

    I agree, that guy was really lucky. Caught the train, probably when Hillary was waiting at the airport.


  • hillary_step


    Good to see that you have the time and emotional energy for bashing someone that is at least participating in the political process in between your suicide attempts. That must be an indicator that you're feeling better.

    lol...You have to admit, that that was a very witty.


  • uninformed

    WOW, am I ever panicked--------------

    I'm caught in a thread between Hillary-Step and Burn the Ships.

    Lucky for me that I have a will.


  • BurnTheShips
    Dead Fred is probably the best choice in a field of bad choices.

    Sigh. Me too. I even started a pro-Fred blog (latinos4thompson.blogspot.com) last summer. I have since abandoned it. I agree with his views, but not with his ability (anymore). He had tremendous natural advantages accrue to him when he started his candidacy, but his incompetence wrecked him. If he can't run a good campaign, how can he run the country?


  • nvrgnbk

    WOW, am I ever panicked--------------

    I'm caught in a thread between Hillary-Step and Burn the Ships.

    Lucky for me that I have a will.



  • oompa

    One thing I do know.... I really do not like any of the candidates this year. Huckabee has wit and is likable, but that is no reason to be a president. Hilliary thinks being married to a successful politician gives her a real track record. Edwards does not know how to roll up his sleaves. Obama is smooth, but a lightweight. Romney is to pretty and has his value system based on a frikkin cult. At this point I would probably hold my nose and vote for McCain....He says he is Republican and yet a few years ago Dems wanted him to run with their party as VP! Since so many Rep. and Dems like him and hate him, he may try to find middle ground that would help the country. He definately has been through a lot, has tons of experience, and has a still pretty hot wife!....oompa

  • nvrgnbk

    The Hillary Haters

    As the phrase “President Hillary Clinton” comes closer to being a reality, legions of her haters are out in full force—passing out anti-Hillary buttons, posting spiteful YouTube videos, and obsessively searching for the Swift Boat moment they hope will sink her campaign. But what, exactly, do they hate about her? As GQ discovers, even they don’t know anymore
    By Jason Horowitz; Photograph by Christopher Griffith

    On a screen in a back room of an upscale Dallas restaurant, a cartoon version of Hillary Clinton veers between bored and apoplectic. In the cartoon, in which she hosts a late-night program called The Hillary Show, her teeth are pointed, resembling fangs. She mocks everyone she comes across (including her “sidekick,” Howard Dean) and exhibits her violent streak by leaping out of a chair to bash Al Gore over the head with a wooden mallet, the “Hillary Hammer.”

    “Another loser,” she says.

    A knowing chuckle spreads through the audience of about fifteen local Republican activists and donors, including an associate of Karl Rove. Many of the attendees, mostly middle-aged and mild-mannered, wear nametags and anti-Hillary buttons on their suit lapels and silk blouses. The lights come on, and a tall, youthful 60-year-old man steps in front of the screen. Across his gray suit and broad yellow tie the projector beams Hillary’s scowling face and a White House seeped in bloody red.

    “Wanted to reach out and involve you in our effort—in our Web site,” Dick Collins, a veteran Republican fund-raiser, says in his languid Texas drawl. He favorably compares his Stop Her Now Web site—a clearinghouse of anti-Hillary news, blogs, and cartoons, all with the mission of “Rescuing America from the radical ideas of Hillary Clinton”—to “the Swifties,” the nonprofit advocacy group the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, which mortally wounded the campaign of John Kerry in 2004. He then proudly refers to the Stop Her Now banner, which his group has flown over a number of Clinton’s campaign appearances, as a way to attract potential supporters and irritate Hillary. “I’m sure she said to her aide, ‘We need to get a bazooka and take that thing down.’ That’s the real Hillary that nobody gets to see.” This wouldn’t be recognizable as a punch line in any other room, but supporters laugh approvingly and put down their white wine and orange cheese cubes to clap.

    Collins thinks his use of “humor” will allow his anti-Hillary venture to succeed where others have failed, and that his cartoons and sight gags will ultimately play a major role in preventing Hillary Clinton from becoming president. “You do it with satire,” he explains to his guests. “Because it is a much more effective way to define somebody.”

    click here for more >

  • oompa

    And kinda like I said....show me a year by year track record....she is the one that said she has been fightin sumpin for 36 years!....oompa

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