I can't help but jump in here and give a bit of advice. Take it or leave it, but it is here.
First, you mentioned that you have a medical degree, but did not know that there are specialized tests to determine a person's blood type. I am curious what type of degree you have. I am a nurse, so I was jsut curious.
At the end of your last post you said
I am preparing myself to deal with whatever comes my way, and I will stand my ground and I have already told him that he HAS to back me up, because he brought ME into this.I beg to differ. YOU have allowed yourself to become involved with a man. Then YOU allowed yourself to think of marriage and children. Without knowing all there is to know about him and his lifestyle he is trying to uphold seperate from you. You admitted he does not disclose all there is to you, and I personally would not be thinking of marrying a guy who is not truthful with me.
You came here to ask our opinions of the JW faith. Of any website/forum on the net, I know here you can ask any question you want without being censored. I just ask that you remember you came here to ask us, because we know more of his silence than you do. Please heed the advice you are given here, that is why you came right?
We may not tell you what you want to hear, but we at least we are telling you, and talking about it.
I could not find the other thread, so I don't know what advice you have already been given. So I will just give you a run down of how a JW thinks. Cass is correct, premarital sex is a HUGE no-no. And a person can become disfellowshipped for doing it. Even after you are married, you can be questioned if there was premarital sex, and still be punished for it. I know personally a couple who was disfellowshipped 2 months after they were married, because it was found out she was 5 months pregnant.
When and if you do get married, you will live a seperate life. He will have his meetings and field service, and you will be home alone when he is out. Family holidays will not include him or his family if they are active JW's. And your daughter and yourself will be encouraged to become active Jw's as well.
The road ahead of you will be full of various problems. And if your communication is not so hot now, imagine what it will be when he leaves the homes for hours at a time a few days a week. Again I stress please don't try to bring another kiddie into this now.
I was a single mother, I know how hard it is to find a man who will be good and kind not only to myself but my child. I can empathize with what you are going through. But another child will not make him marry you faster, or make everything right.
You mentioned you are thankful you did not marry your daughters father. But at the time, I am sure you didn't feel this way. Time has a way of changing our perspectives, and healing those wounds. It even helps the flames of love die down, and allows reality to set in. I just ask that you give this time, and force the guy to talk to you. If he can't or refuses to communicate I can only imagine what your life will be like.
Good luck, and feel free to ask any questions you want.
Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins