Should law enforcement agencies stop using tasers?

by Gopher 49 Replies latest social current

  • Gopher

    Lawmakers get involved in issues of safety and life and death.

    The American Congress is currently spending time investigating whether Major League Baseball is doing enough to stop illegal performance-enhancing drugs from tainting that game. There is evidence linking steroid usage with some suicides and premature deaths, so that investigation involves matters of life and death.

    There was a major outcry about America's infrastructure after a major bridge collapse in Minnesota on 8/1/2007. Lawmakers became involved, because it was a matter of life and death for American people. I take a bridge over the Mississippi River twice a day, on my way to and from a job that contributes to the American economy. I should feel safe going over that bridge.

    What about the use of Tasers? Obviously, this is becoming a matter of life and death too. Too many people are dying when Tasers are being used. Yes the police need to be able to protect the public, and this includes subduing unruly suspects. But a line must be drawn somewhere, and I believe lawmakers should investigate whether to outlaw the Taser weapon, or what precise restrictions there should be.

  • darkuncle29
    whenever I do a protest that's one of my chief worries.

    Isn't the right to protest one of our 'sacred' freedoms? So they use our fear of being tazed to keep us from our legitimate expresion.

    I think BTS comment about America being in an akward phase is interesting? That's a path that I hope we don't have to travel, but at what point do groups of people decide to leave, sucession (I don't know how to spell that) I believe is a constitutional given. WE ended our relatioship with England. The south did before the civil war, and if they'd just not had to take the first shot they might have lasted longer. I think that if this path is taken, the U.S. as a collective may end up splitting into multiple factions of states.

  • frankiespeakin

    I think if a cop ever shot me with one of those tasers. I would get his badge # and do my home work on him, find him alone one day and shove a taser up his ass and pull the trigger.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I think they should be strongly restricted in their use, there was a recent incident here in Vancouver where a man lost it waiting to be picked up from his mother

    at the airport , the police tassered him trying to walk away from the whole affair, the man eventually collapsed to the ground and died from a heart attack.

    A very stupid thing to do since the man was backing down from the police and there were 4 large officers and only one of him.

    The whole affair is now going to the courts with a possibility of 2 officers being charged with manslaughter.

    The only circumstance that I think these devices should be used is when an individual is being bodily aggressive in a harmful way to the police or perhaps others.

    There have been many unintentional deaths as a result of people bing tassered since the use by law enforcement agencies .

    This situation here in Vancouver at the airport has started a Canada wide review of tassers and it's use , and will probably be curtailed in the future.

    It's unfortunate that things like this had to happen , but when they were first introduced to the law enforcement industry they were not perceived to be that deadly

    now they know.

  • hillbilly

    Based on the newsclip offered I dont think you could come to any opinion about tasars. The Tasar is just one more thing offered as a non-leathal tool for police. I am sad this man died... but there has to be a second side to this story. For some reason ... this guymay have exhibited a threatning posture and the troopers felt they needed to escalate their force to control him.

    LE training takes a progressive approace in the force needed to control a person, some include:

    Verbal commands

    Pressure points...

    things like a bright light in the face may aid in controlling a person

    mace-pepper spray

    Firearms are deadly force... and used sparingly Tasars training is pretty specific and tasars fit the gap between the extreme non-leathal methods and firearms.

    Years ago, if they hit you with a stick you complained, after all... the cop told you to stop and shut-up

    Then we made all the cops learn to be martial artists... now and then someone would get into a choke-hold and call the ACLU about "brutallity" I was stealling that car cause the man has me down, after all.

    God forbid, we shoot a fleeing felon or wrist -lock some bad ass hood to the ground if he acts stupid or menaceing during a stop or field interview.

    Tasars are just another tool. Bodies are fragile and some folks will die in the most "non-leathal" circumstances. Doesnt make it right... just the way it is.

    When stopped by the law be polite and comply...99% of LEOS are good guys trying to do a tough job. Most will never draw a weapon during a 30 year career. They should not be expected to take to much sh*t doing their jobs... after all they wouldnt be there unless somebody screwed up or commited a crime.


  • snowbird

    When stopped by the law be polite and comply...99% of LEOS are good guys trying to do a tough job. Most will never draw a weapon during a 30 year career. They should not be expected to take to much sh*t doing their jobs... after all they wouldnt be there unless somebody screwed up or commited a crime.

    I work for law enforcement, and I've seen and heard unbelievable stuff.

    The officers with whom I work are all males - 4 Whites and 2 Blacks. All of them are the salt of the earth. I would hate to see anything happen to any of them.

    This may be construed as bias, but I am all for the use of tasers or whatever it takes to keep our officers safe.


  • parakeet

    There is no absolutely safe way to subdue a belligerent suspect. The use of tazers has problems, but they're still safer than guns.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Yes I'd have to agree with you Snowbird on protecting the law officers but only to certain degree, we want to keep our police

    safe of course, but tassers should be considered lethal force and the police officers do not know of the medical condition of the people

    they are tassering. Another problem that has been recognized is when people are on drugs and are acting unruly if they get tassered

    due to the drugs and the electrical jolt their hearts stop and they go into cardiac arrest, some deaths have occurred.

    Personally I think tassers should be considered just as lethal as a firearm and it's use should only be used only if the situation deems it.

    I'm just thinking about those officers who accidentally killed that unknown stranger and how they are going to have to live with that for the rest of their lives

  • heathen

    taseing people is very dangerous , I've seen footage of people being tasered for not signing a traffic ticket which you can be arrested for , the guy was told to put his hands behind the back and walked away then got tased .signing a traffic ticket is not admission of guilt, you are only agreeing to settle the matter with the state. It's a real touchy subject , on one hand ,allot A-holes out there both civilian and cop , the other hand an innocent public that doesn't want people killed for not complying .The big question is , is it police brutality to send thousands of volts through somebodies body, you could easily kill people with weak internal organs .I'd have to say yes it is.

  • hillbilly
    I think tassers should be considered just as lethal as a firearm and it's use should only be used only if the situation deems it.

    Correct. and police get trained to think that way.

    The wild card is the officer doesnt know what your medical state is. He can only do 2 things. Be proactive and in control of the situation or Be reacative if the person's behaviors shows the officers efforts have failed.

    The officer could have taken this guy (or anyone who gets tazed) to the ground. Taking the fight to the ground isnt a sure bet for the officer...he may get his ass whipped or worse, have his gun grabbed.

    Several in my family are cops. I'd have been if not in the JW in my 20's. Those officers have a concience- but they were doing what duty and training required. (Unless we find otherwise after proper investigation)


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