Do you ever get nervous making a post, knowing that perhaps you''re going to get "picked on" in one way or another???
Are You Ever Afraid To Post Your Views On This Board?
by minimus 62 Replies latest jw friends
NOPE!! Not even by you minimus.....
I was raised in a family where we were taught to keep our opinions to ourselves, and for the most part I still do that both on the board and off, but it has nothing to do with being "afraid" to post them. I really don't care if I'm "picked on" by people who, for the most part, are unable to affect my quality of life in any way. I really don't care if others don't share my opinions.
Homerovah the Almighty
No and I think everyone should be allowed to express themselves openly with due respect and courtesy, and not feel apprehensive in doing so, thats what
makes this forum such a great place to discuss matters, its all out of least in my opinion.
No matter how old and wise we are we can all learn something from one another, and thats a good thing
You don't so why should I?
I will say what I think. Of course, that has translated in being restricted in some ways but I guess that's life on DBs.
When a person feels they're always being attacked, it makes not for a friendly place. The board is a much friendlier place nowadays and it never is boring-----thar's for sure!
Do you ever get nervous making a post, knowing that perhaps you''re going to get "picked on" in one way or another???
Yep. I'm terrified of saying what I really think.
Homerovah the Almighty
Sorry Min whats Dbs. ?
I try to keep myself respectful in giving my opinions and observations and usually go the round about way to get my point across. Unless I get upset by something then all bets are off. So I guess my answer is no.
Scared to death, can't you tell?