It depends on my mood. Sometimes and certyaily in the past I would not put my true views on the board -these days I have more a "f++k it" attitude. Changes with time etc
Are You Ever Afraid To Post Your Views On This Board?
by minimus 62 Replies latest jw friends
mah purty lil' ass
You should post pictures to support this claim.
I should, shouldn't I? Maybe after all the wild hyena bites heal.........
I post whatever is on my mind....I know sometimes that some of my posts will get an adverse reaction. It doesn´t bother me in the least. I can accept to have a different opinion from someone else. Doesn´t mean I change my opinion. Sometimes I defend the witnesses on certain things that I`ve noticed. I know that maybe that gives me an image of defending them. That´s far from the truth. I´m quite opinionated on the forum, and in real life....
Yes, sometimes. Just as when F2F, I say most things with sugar on top. I really like folks who have the ability to say what they think, straight out. That's not me. I can give my opinion but will always post it as IMHO.
I do love reading a good ol rounder though. All you smarty pants types keep me entertained.
This place is great because we have All Kinds......that's what makes the world go round.
hillbilly pick on me the most, Minimus... and I know I could take your little red dot butt in an alley fight.
I personally am not afraid to post my views, and I like to hear other persons point of views. I think it makes it easier to understand personalities. Knowing of course how many have been hurt in the organization and even in chat rooms I can understand their reluctance at posting views. One great human rights law is that we have the freedom of speech and that doesn't give a person a license to hurt others. Be peacable with all persons. You'll see productivity then.
Speaking for myself I guess I have a gregarious personality and I really love people a lot, and I value what opinons others share. I sure as heck don't know everything in life and so when others share their feelings and thoughts about issues on the board, I appreciate it. We all need to be more sensitive to persons who express that they are this way. It is my sincerest hope that I have never intented to hurt another person in this board. If I have I am very sorry. Hurting others is so counter productive and damn right cruel. So if I need a spanking go ahead and give it to me. I will not break..
I have seen many an exjw come here afraid and after a while they seem to blossom and express their opinions. It's like watching the metamorphis' of the caterpiller turning into a beautiful butterfly. It is heart warming that they can find true friendship on this board. Yes even love. Is anyone available.???? Orangefatcat shut your yap.. !!
Don't get me wrong I have seen people come and go over the years because some people lack sensitivities of others feelings. It is sad that some have left after being hurt , like my best friend. She is a shy person and highly self conscienous and it didn't take long for someone to offend her and then she left. Which is sad because she is truly a remarkable person. But really she hurts and then she feels like she offended. Apoligies can work wonders...
Some have had to be removed from the board permanently on account of thier big mouths. Simon is good at sensing peoples needs and watches for persons who are combative disorderly and cruel. Some people just like being this way. It is sad. Goodness haven't we all been hurt deeply by the WTS and the elders and haven't we all got out seeking a better life for ourselves. I would think that after having been so badly hurt we would be more aware to the kindnesses on this board. Becuase there are some fabulous person in here. I know I could trust them with my life.
We don't live in a perfect world and we need a tougher exterior from time to time and I think it should be corrected immediately so that we don't lose good individuals here. Lets not be like the greater part of mankind who have no values of life and think nothing of killing or hacking you to death. Sometimes we even verbally kill someone inside their heart. That shouldn't happen in here or among us. We need each other and the support we offer to others when ever they are in need, be it in a way of positive thoughts or prayers. and vibes. Let us not be critical or mean spirited. Strive at doing good unto others .
This of course my own HO.
But hey I love all of you and those who know me know this is really so.
So a great big group hug from that
I agree, all the different types of people on here make things interesting. Everyone from the prophecy peeps, the end of the world is coming to conspiracies to jacked up elders to remember when we used to have to do such and such to anal sex to whatever may come up.
I try and keep my responses respectful, but there is no way in hell I'd ever hold back from something I felt needed to be said. Isn't that the point of this board? -
I often choose to not respond to certain posters because they have a habit of quickly degrading to name calling and other abusive exclamations. I prefer to spend my time in discussions that develope with meaning, rather than collapse into drivel.
this board has its own group conscience.
if you violate that you can get whacked.