You guys are awesome. Sure you can send me the scanned page 119 as well - thanks
I wasn't reading a book - I'm doing some research on the internet as I had JW's come to my door - they actually came back 3 times - haven't come back since. 2 men came - one in his 50's and the other looked like he was about 23 or so. The two men weren't really knowledgeable to the tune of answering me quickly, but the third time they sent a women who was. I since found out that they haven't come back because the two men were from out of town only here for 2 weeks and the lady moved a few days later. My friend who is a JW (we never talk religion) told me she moved.
I've always wanted to talk to them but never knew what to say so I started asking them - how do you know your religion is the right one. I told them I have a Mulsim and a mormon friend and they also claim to have the right religion. They said because they use God's name Jehovah - so I said well God when asked what his name was in Exodus (I couldn't remember the verse so I told them they knew their bibles better than me - they would know where it was - so they found it for me) when asked by Moses swho he should say sent him, said he was "I am" and the God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob has sent me" so to me it wasn't all that important that I call God Jehovah.
I said if I am talking to the God who created this universe, who is all knowing, everywhere etc. then he knows I am talking to him. They didn't dispute that. Then they said that they had the right translation as there are many out there that are false. - I totally agreed with them. I asked them how they knew their's was the right translation and they said because it was translated from the greek and they had the greek to english translation - would I like one and I said "YES!!" I've been trying to get a KIT for a long time - no one has one. In fact my girlfriend who is a JW didn't even know what it was. They had to order it they said and I'm still waiting to get it. Now those men have left town and the women has moved so it's looking like I may not get it. My girlfriend said it could take up to a month depending on when the hall puts in their order to Brooklyn.
Anyways I've been doing some research so I can answer them better or dispute what they tell me biblically. I came across that quote about the KJV being a good translation and then closed the window by accident and thought it was from a watchtower, but it was from "Creation"
Thanks for all your help
Cheers Karen