Counseling/Guiding your kids on their sexual awakening...

by TJ - iAmCleared2Land 15 Replies latest social family

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    If the mods feel this should be moved to 'relationships', which is clearly labeled 'sex', that's fine. I think it more appropriately falls under 'family, teens', as I am looking for advice from PARENTS with KIDS about how they plan to manage/guide their child's transformation from teen to adult.

    Do you still subscribe to the no-sex-before-marriage rule for your kids? I, personally, don't.

    It raises the interesting question, though, for those of us that use to believe this or even teach our kids this... beyond talking to your kids about sex, protection, relationships, what role do you play/plan to play in your child's transformation? I've heard everything from "don't ask, don't tell", to "if you need protection, come ask me and I'll give you some", to "it's okay for you to do it in our house/your room if you tell us what's going on."

    Does the advice change if the child is a boy or a girl?

    If you used to teach your kids the JW way, and they are still at home, do you introduce a new, more "open" viewpoint to them, or leave things as-is?

    I'm interested in hearing your responses, experiences, advice. I want my kids to have a balanced, realistic, and safe environment in which to discover themselves and this new part of their life...

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    OK, I don't feel bad now! NOBODY KNOWS! :-)

    I guess we just let them figure it out?

  • R.Crusoe

    Personally I feel it's good for males and females to have a healthy sexual encounter when they can with sensible precautions taken! But I would hate them to feel later that they had to lie to a partner and hide the fact so they would need to be confident about sex having neen ok for them and take it as a rich gift life has to offer them with whomever they enjoy sharing it with. Thats' my view which may be observational and unbiased but considering my crap experiences (can't honestly say otherwise) - it''s what I feel would most benefit humans in learning in a psoitive healthy way to find trusting and enjoyable others so when they decide to stick with someone its a mutually happy arrangement!!

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Personally, I believe in teaching kids all about their bodies and about sex and birth control without putting a bunch of shame, stigma and moral judgements on the whole process. Give them the information they need to know in order to explore their sexuality responsibly. Part of being sexually responsible is understanding the consequences of sex. The risk of venereal diseases, the risk of unwanted pregnancy, the reality of emotional vulnerability and feeling rejected by a partner if it doesn't work out. Ask them how they would handle it they or their partner got pregnant and wanted an abortion and they didn't believe in abortion or vice versa. These are the moral issues surrounding sex that I have told my son he should have figured out before he has sex.

    However, I see nothing wrong with teaching children our own moral views of sex as long as we put it out there as our own moral view and not as some sort of universal absolute. I told my son that if he is not mature enough to have open conversations with potential partners re: birth control, venereal diseases, unwanted pregnancies, etc, then he is not ready to have sex. If he is not mature enough to be living on his own in his own apartment, then he is not mature enough to have sex, IMO. If he is not mature enough emotionally and financially independent enough to pay for and look after any children that result when the condom accidentally breaks and his girlfriend of two weeks informs him she doesn't believe in abortion, then he is not mature enough to have sex. Those actually are not even moral judgements. Those are just the biological facts of life. I am pretty liberal about sex otherwise, for mature adults. To me, it is all about taking responsibility for your own sex and you own bodies and any children that result. Marriage is just a piece of paper to satisfy other people, and not necessary and it certainly doesn't force anyone to take responsibility in this day and age. It is more of a tradition than anything.

    My views do preclude underage teenagers coming home and having sex after school in their bedrooms for the reason that they do not qualify as mature enough to have sex for all the reasons I listed above! I am not naive and I realize they probably will experiment to some degree but I certainly don't need to wash the sheets and light the candles for them either! I wouldn't freak out and kick them out of the house like JW parents either. I would just sit them down and go over all the above "facts of life" with them again. My views are all based on love for them and wanting the happiest future for them not on any hangups about sex or thinking there is anything wrong with it. It's kind of like drinking. For mature adults only.

    I concede that according to my own criteria there are many adults who are actually not mature enough to be having sex or drinking, since they seem to be unable to take responsibility for themselves. Well that is how I talk to my son about sex and have done since around the age of 10. He is now 18. We have ongoing conversations as things come up with friends or in movies, etc. We have never had one big sex talk. I am very calm and casual and rational about the whole thing. (I think being trained as a nurse helped. I am very comfortable with talking about bodily functions, sex, etc.) It is a natural part of life and nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed to talk about. It's religion that puts that trip on to people's heads.

    Oh, I also believe in giving teenagers lots of hugs and physical and verbal affection (yes, even when they are surly) so they don't feel the need to go out and start premature relationships in order to look for love and affection from the opposite sex before they are ready to handle a sexual relationship. So far it seems to be working as my son is 18 and is just now starting to have girl's as friends. He is almost supporting himself and could do totally if he had too, so while not encouraging him, I am fine when it happens. If he does begin a sexual relationship, though, I will encourage him to get his own apartment. I don't want to have to listen to him "knocking boots" if I ain't gettin any. That's just not fair!


    ps: Just wanted to add, my son just came home in the wee hours as usual. I asked what he was doing out til all hours and he said, he and his friend were playing Lego's all night. I said, "yeah right", then he proceeds to pull out the new Batman Lego set he bought on sale today at the mall. He finally had to come home because his 26 year old friend's girlfirend was PO'd because they were playing Lego's all night! LOL! I guess I don't have to worry just yet!.

  • llbh

    I do not have any problems in in my children having sex outside marriage, I think it is a good thing particularly if they are in a long term relationship. What a shame it would be if as a couple were married only to find out that they were sexually incompatible.

    To me they must be over 17 preferably 18 + before embarking on such a thing.

    I would also tell them to use protection. - my eldest 23 .

    For me the most important thing is that they must be respectful of the other person.

    I also think that to have a varied sexual experience can be a good thing.

    regards David

    BTW i think CD advice about hugs is so important

  • chickpea

    always we have provided information about the precautions necessary and the ramifications for carelessness in terms of disease and unplanned pregnancies...... having had a close, beloved family member die of AIDS certainly reinforced the need for caution....prudence is not prudery, so i feel it is incumbent on me to squawk and wing flap in my role as mother hen on the practical issues, not my sense of morality.... reality is they need to make responsible decisions!!

    we deal not only with the typical issues of the normal facets of awakening sexuality, but also with the complications that stem from CSA and sexual assault and homosexuality...

    all we can do is love them and offer guidance and reassure them they are loved, mate.... it comes down to that.... their lives are theirs.... rich, full, complicated....

  • funlovingirl

    TJ, I'm glad you posted this, as it has been a concern of mine also. I posted this same question on another exJW board, but didn't get very many responses. It's tough when we were raised with 'the rules' regarding sex and now there are no 'rules', so it begs the question: how do we help our kids have a safe, healthy, enjoyable sex life without using religious rules and guilt to try to enforce it? And how do we help them make a good decision about when to have sex for the first time without making 'rules'? The post I made on the other board mentioned the common teaching of Christians: wait until marriage. I was listening to two Christians talking about their sexual experiences, having sex before they were married, etc; they were laughing & talking about it and yet at the same time they teach their kids to wait until marriage. WTF?? Their kids are most likely going to continue the pattern here in middle America: do it behind your parents' backs. That's what they all do and then they get a disease or get knocked up. Everyone teaches it to their kids, but no one actually does it. It's a crazy, hypocritical circle.

    I have a 14 year old son (and a younger daughter) and I have worked hard to have an open, honest, 'not-uncomfortable' dialogue about the subject. His dad is still a JW, so I have to counter what I know he's being taught on that side....I do not want him feeling guilt about normal things like masturbation and the desire to look at a naked pic of a woman, and I don't want him to feel that morality='waiting until marriage' to have sex. We've talked about these things often and he knows my views on them, that they are normal and nothing to feel guilty about. I want him to have a healthy, normal view of sex, definitely NOT to wait until marriage to have sex, and have a healthy enjoyable sex life when it happens. But when should it/will it? Obviously, I would prefer it to start when he's closer to adulthood, however I know that ultimately it will be his choice when it happens; it's not something I can control. So, arming him with information and logical thinking is my job. I do (and will do) that, but I also hope that if it happens before the age I think he's ready, he would still feel free to come to me if he needed to. I don't want to come across as arbitrary. Does that make sense? One recommendation I got was to let the kids know that there will always be a supply of condoms, no questions asked, in a certain place at home. Hmmm.... I do want them to be safe and prepared if it happens, yet I don't want to encourage it too early. Any thoughts on this??

    Cognizant, thank you so much for your post! Good information! I think it is an excellent idea to tie in their readiness to have sex with the responsibilities involved. I appreciate the suggestions.

  • Fe2O3Girl

    Fe2O3Baby is only two, so we won't be dealing with the practical realities for a few years.

    I would be absolutely appalled if he marries someone without having had a healthy sexual relationship established well before he considered that commitment, and disappointed and concerned if he hadn't had several relationships before he settled down.

    I will be teaching him that his body has the capacity to enjoy and to give incredible pleasure from sex. Sex should always be happy and fun. Unwanted pregnancy, STIs and withdrawn consent aren't fun, so he should never sleep with someone who can't consent because they are too drunk. and never have sex without using barrier contraception.

    It is a big subject, it isn't the kind of thing you can cover in a half hour chat. I think it is the sort of thing parents will slowly explore right from "where do babies come from?" through how we treat other people, and what they want from life.

  • Fe2O3Girl

    TJ, I am sorry I killed your thread........

  • EvaZ

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